At the @Bilerico @thenewgay et al panel on "The Penis that Stole Marriage Equality", sex in LGBT life, politics #CC11
It's going to be an exciting day at #CC11! Don't miss the MasQueerAde Ball tonight! #creatingchange
Overheard at creating change: to be a bossy bottom and very oral is not a bad thing. #cc11
"Kink, Race, and Color" GREAT Panel!!! you're missing out if you're not here! #cc11
Hey #cc11 pick up your free @ItGetsBetter silly bands at the @glsen table while supplies last!
"The Penis That Almost Ruined Marriage Equality" #cc11
Sign Petition @change: Pledge to end transgender discrimination #trans #lgbt #cc11
Conference sharing the convention center with the queers; motorcycle show and christian youth conferernce.
Met some great people in the Bi Hospitality Suite, plus there was lots of yummy food! Thanks Bisexual Organizing Project. #cc11
Hundreds of #LGBT advocates pause to grieve the death of David Kato at #cc11 #uganda
Unpacking the race/class dimensions of the prison industry and its connections with the 'get tough' policies embraced by LGBT movement #cc11
Marriage campaigns have caused long term damage to the LGBTQ liberation movement. No more single issue organizing! #cc11
#CC11 Safe sex is a need! Come on guys and gals!
Safe schools session at Creating Change #cc11 GLSEN rocks!
#NOH8 photoshoot at #cc11 at (I believe) 1215 first 100 people.... 40$ a piece 25$ each if you have a group!
At a fantastic workshop on creating denominational change. Someday soon the menno church will follow the episcopals and lutherans... #cc11
Interesting discussion on lgbt people of faith leveraging social media. #cc11
Great online tools panel #CC11 @frontiersinla
More blogs from #CC11! There are still 2 more days & more blogs coming so follow the cutting edge brainwork & action:
Hey #cc11 pick up your free @ItGetsBetter silly bands at the @glsen table while supplies last!
Awesome being called faggot as l walk through the convention centre to Creating Change! Exactly why this is so important! #CC11 @phil_reese
Learning how to build online relationships - tracking what we do online and be true to who you are! @servicewomen #CC11
My guess? Activists tweet; lawyers don't. RT @TheBaylorJ: #CC11 attendees tweet WAY more than #aclu11 tweeps did. Surely says something…
At the @Bilerico @thenewgay et al panel on "The Penis that Stole Marriage Equality", sex in LGBT life, politics #CC11
In the workshop race, kink, sex & class. This room is packed! #CC11
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