I'm convening a gathering of 30-some top LGBT bloggers, journalists, and newspaper editors to talk about major issues facing our community that currently don't get nearly the amount of ink as some of our more sexy and popular problems. The focus this time will be on immigration issues and teen homelessness and bullying. This is the second year in a row for the convening.
The good folks at the Haas Foundation are paying for everyone's travel expenses because they believe in the power of spreading knowledge. Quite a few bloggers would never have this experience or be able to sit and speak to some of the folks shaping our movement, so I'm really proud to be playing my part in selecting attendees and facilitating the trip. Plus, everyone invited can live-tweet, blog, Facebook, whatever they'd like; it's all on the record and there's no secret information!
The Haas Foundation and The Bilerico Project are holding a “convening” to also discuss anti-gay bulling and other LGBT issues.
the speakers,
So it sound like every thing is up on the level right, well I beg the differ. Look at the photo below, ask yourself what is wrong with it?
Attendees (clickety to embiggen): Michael Rogers (BlogActive), Eden James (change.org), Phil Reese (SameSexSunday), Andrés Duque (Blabbeando), Karen Ocamb (LGBT POV), Jeremy Hooper (Good As You), Jean Albright (Windy City Times), Matt Baume (stop8.org), David Stern (Frontiers Magazine), Shuan Knittel (Seattle Gay News), Tracy Baim (Windy City Times), Ksen Pallegedara (Presenter), Joe Mirabella (Seattle PI), Zack Ford (ZackFordBlogs), Carl Siciliano (Ali Forney Center), Chris Geidner (Metro Weekly), Rod McCullom (Rod 2.0), Daniel Villarreal (Queerty), Adam Bink (Prop8TrialTracker), Chris Johnson (Washington Blade), Ed Kennedy (AfterElton), Jerame Davis (Bilerico Project), Caitlin Ryan (Family Acceptance Project), Jason Cianciotto (Presenter), Bil Browning (host), Jos Truitt (Feministing), Rex Wockner (freelancer), Elizabeth Plata (Presenter), Matt Comer (Q Notes), Erik Resnick (Gay People's Chronicle), Shannon Minter (National Center for Lesbian Rights), Sunni Brydum (Out Front Colorado), Andrew Belonsky (Death & Taxes), Joe Jervis (Joe.My.God.), Cynthia Laird (Bay Area Reporter), Michael Jones (change.org), Liza Sabater (Culture Kitchen), Ann Haas (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention), Mauricio Rodriguez (Presenter), Ed Plata (Presenter).
As one can see this is the good ole boy club with a few ladies thrown in. But also you will notice that there is only one African-American, but then maybe two, but no more.
So is Bill a racist? He did choose and pick those whom he wanted to attend this event. Also note that many that were invited are Contributors of the Bilerico Project.
Out of the whole group of folks up in that picture I only have issue with a few, Matt, Bill, Zack and Michael. Since these guys have done some gay on gay bullying. Yes, I know at time I might have made some gay slurs and use a few racist terms, but I don’t ban folks from my blog for express themselves in the comment section of my blog posts. I can admit to my short comings, but these folks can’t, think really do think there are better than everyone else in our community...
One would have to wonder why Matt Comer was invited for... Just who is Matt, well he a blogger and the editor of NC only major LGBT newspaper, whom made the statement that those LGBT members who don’t live in the large cities area of NC are a waste of time and resources of the LGBT community
As for Zack, I would suggest that he do a bit more reading up of our history, mostly of those Doctors and G&L activist who work for years to get us out of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
By this statement he is admitting that we all have some type of mental health problem. Wow, why don’t we just ask them to put us back in the mental health books as sick individuals, whom need treatment for the mental disease called Homosexuality... electric shock anyone…
Also by that some statement all those LGBT members living in State where we have limited protections, must seek mental health care ASAP...
HE is your basic gay bully; however he acts like he has no skeletons in his closet. Those whom Skeletons have been made known are no longer welcome in our community.. He knows what I’m talking about, I sure one of his past flings, might not been completely legal...
So what is Gay Inc., and are you apart of it. Click here to read that post on my blog.
I also ask one other person at this event, a question about what would they do if an LGBT org and NOM decided to hold a secret, no press, invite only meeting? Wouldn’t they want answers from that LGBT ORG.? However to date I still haven’t got an answer.
However they did talk about how many LGBT group throw the Dream Act folks under the bus... Which in the Dream Act group I’m sure there were a few LGBT members too... I can only guess that Gay Inc., Group didn’t want to share their time, money and other resources to up support those LGBT members within the Dream Act groups...
Till the next secret Gay Inc., Meeting….
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