ReallyPhilReese Phil Reese
The hashtag for the #LGBTQ #LGBT blogger summit is #Haas11. We'll be discussing #CIR #marriage #youth #suicide #bullying & #homelessness
ZackFord Zack Ford
Joining in with so many fab LGBT bloggers/publishers at #Haas11. Follow this hash for all our brilliant tweets! ;)
bilerico Bil Browning
The gang of lgbt bloggers & journalists gathered in SF to talk about queer homelessness & suicide #Haas11
hispanicpanic79 Daniel Villarreal
The E&W Haas Jr. Fund has given $55 million dollars to advance LGBT equality. Neither of the founders or their kids have teh gay. #haas11
JoeMyGod JoeMyGod
New From JMG: #Haas11: I'm in San Francisco for a Haas Fund-sponsored conference on immigration equality, LGBT y...
interstateq Matt Comer
@bilerico I say ignore the trolls. ;) #Haas11
FakePhilReese Phil Reese
Apparently I'm a gay bully now. @Sickntired08 #Haas11
queengasoline AnastasiaBeaverhausn
#haas11 has been hijacked by the LaRaza Taliban shilling the CIR crap. DOMA and ENDA should be the LGBT priority, NOT CIR! #lgbt #Assholes
NGblog Nelson G.
If #Haas11 hasn't yet called out gay bullies at this conference, & hold them accountable and transparent fo… (cont)
ZackFord Zack Ford
It's unfortunate that it takes anti-LGBT crises for groups to ally in favor of LGBT protections. #Haas11
ReallyPhilReese Phil Reese
"#LGBT Equality is a lens in which we view all of our work" re: #CAUSA #Oregon #Haas11
ReallyPhilReese Phil Reese
RT @joemygod: RT @bilerico: gang of lgbt bloggers & journalists gathered in SF queer homelessness & suicide #Haas11
ZackFord Zack Ford
It's great to see non-LGBT specific groups incorporating LGBT work into their organizational work and training! #Haas11
ReallyPhilReese Phil Reese
"We've included some #LGBT education in ALL of our leadership classes" @CAUSAOregon #Haas11 #Oregon #CIR
NGblog Nelson G.
#haas11 cannot discuss homelessness and bullying without first acknowledge this in room who cause it.
bilerico Bil Browning
Follow #haas11 to get the deets on today's big convening of #LGBT journalists & bloggers meeting about immigration, homelessness & suicide
NGblog Nelson G.
#Haas11 attendees already calling gay activists and bloggers demanding full acct and transpcy trolls.
hispanicpanic79 Daniel Villarreal
Must all our queer political battles reframe themselves as being for "human/civil" rights and not just QUEER rights? Yes, they must. #Haas11
ZackFord Zack Ford
@RealLifeUnplugd agreed, and we have a similar responsibility to integrate other issues (like immigration) into our work, too! #Haas11
ZackFord Zack Ford
I love that @NGblog, @queengasoline and @sickntired08 have nothing better to do than paint themselves as victims. Let's ignore them. #Haas11
queengasoline AnastasiaBeaverhausn
@ZackFord @NGblog @sickntired08 <typical of the shrill lefties to try to demonize their opposition instead of having a rational discussion.
ReallyPhilReese Phil Reese
Unique & disproportionate impacts: Immigration, bars LGBT asylum, family acceptance, health care, detention & bullying @CAUSAoregon #Haas11
ReallyPhilReese Phil Reese
"We endorsed the Uniting American Families Act" #UAFA @CAUSAoregon #Haas11
jostruitt Jos Truitt
Health care and detention are major issues for transgender immigrants #Haas11
sunnivie Sunnivie Brydum
#lgbt & #immigrant communities underserved by activists on both sides #haas11
ReallyPhilReese Phil Reese
RT @rodmccullom: An excellent turnout for #haas11 in #SF. About 60+ #LGBT writers etc for all day conf on movement and messagiong
cwebba1 Craig Webb
Tune in: Excellent turnout for #haas11 in #SF. 60+ #LGBT editors, bloggers & writers conf on movement & messaging #SXSWhomo
chrisjohnson82 Chris Johnson
#DADT repeal passed on same day #DREAM Act died; a lot of activists thought DREAM was thrown under the bus to repeal DADT #haas11
NGblog Nelson G.
Not one person at #haas11 is qualified to speak on bullying or immigration.
NGblog Nelson G.
@interstateq #haas11 seriously look who's talking a guy who won't offer his newspaper to working class gays in NC
joemirabella Joe Mirabella
Did national orgs "through DREAM act activists" under the bus? #haas11 @blogdiva discussing now
jostruitt Jos Truitt
Truth from @blogdiva on how #DREAM Act was thrown under the bus, ignored by major #immigration and #LGBT orgs while #DADT repealed. #Haas11
dmcrawford Michael Crawford
@bilerico Is @rodmccullom really the only Black person at #Haas11? I'm asking because of the photo you just tweeted.
RealLifeUnplugd RealLifeUnplugd
@NGblog not true- there are educators social justice and edu policy wonks in the room at #Haas11 to speak on bullying
hispanicpanic79 Daniel Villarreal
My mom & other Mexicans fear Big Brother. How do you persuade immigrants distrustful of racist government politics to vote? #Haas11
ZackFord Zack Ford
We can't move forward if we just keep comparing minority groups... we all have to work together to promote inclusivity for all. #Haas11
chrisgeidner Chris Geidner
It's always great at these events to have people like @blogdiva here, who add so much to the majority gay white male group at #HAAS11.
WindyCityTimes1 Windy City Times
#haas11 was Dream Act thrown under the bus to get DADT passed? How pols divide communities.
WindyCityTimes1 Windy City Times
#haas11 LGBTs should be outraged at the Muslim hearings this week in D.C.
WindyCityTimes1 Windy City Times
#haas11 Appropriating the language of civil rights movement, for LGBT and immigrant rights, not the way to achieve success.
sunnivie Sunnivie Brydum
I'm hesitant to believe that DADT's passage was contingent on DREAM's failure #haas11
ReallyPhilReese Phil Reese
RT @chrisgeidner: It's always great at these events to have @blogdiva here, who add so much to the majority gay white male group at #HAAS11.
joemirabella Joe Mirabella
Karen Ocamb, "what is the one line for pitching what your movement is about?" A: We're stronger together. #HAAS11
ZackFord Zack Ford
It's conversations like these that make me wish we could all discuss the intersections of privilege in public forums. #Haas11
chrisjohnson82 Chris Johnson
One #haas11 partcipant: We didn't see enough outrage from the #LGBT community over anti-Muslim hearings on Capitol Hill
joemirabella Joe Mirabella
Our movement is a civil rights movement. But that bothers some communities when we claim that. Is that our problem or theirs? #haas11
hispanicpanic79 Daniel Villarreal
The Advocate regularly promotes Michael Lucas' Islamophobic screeds. The homocon movement seeks to turn affluent gays vs Muslims. #Haas11
interstateq Matt Comer
MT @joemirabella: Our mvmnt is a civil rights mvmnt. That bothers some communities when we claim that. IOur problem or theirs? #haas11
ReallyPhilReese Phil Reese
AMEN RT @chrisjohnson82: One #haas11 partcipant: We didn't see enough outrage from #LGBT community over anti-Muslim hearings on Capitol Hill
ZackFord Zack Ford
A tough debate: Do some communities "own" the language of "civil rights"? So sad that so many don't see the intersections/overlaps. #Haas11
uppityfag Patrick Connors
HEY big thinking gays in SF Why won't you hold ONE event where the slack jawed unimportant fags get to hear you speak ask a ? or 2? #Haas11
hispanicpanic79 Daniel Villarreal
@joemirabella The 21st c. LGBT movement shouldn't use 1950s and 60s rhetoric. Other better international civil rights tactics exist. #Haas11
WindyCityTimes1 Windy City Times
#haas11 how do we make sure that predominantly white gay groups connect the dots on immigration being an issue for them to care about
bilerico Bil Browning
@debrachasnoff We'll be talking about bullying in the next hour. I'll ask for you. #haas11
WindyCityTimes1 Windy City Times
#haas11 Trans immigration issues, CAUSA working to educate selves on these issues. Special barriers of safety and health in detention cntrs
joemirabella Joe Mirabella
@zackford actually yes. I trademarked Civil Rights™ , so I own it ;) #haas11
debrachasnoff Debra Chasnoff
#HAAS11 wonder what you think about this report card on the white house conf on #bullying?
WindyCityTimes1 Windy City Times
#haas11 Ann Haas: Since 1970s, many reports of elevated suicide risk in LGBT populations. But major documents have not dealt with this.
uppityfag Patrick Connors
You can have your pow-wow and get together - I would hope you would find ONE oppty to open the door to someone other than yourselves #Haas11
P1Lal Prerna Lal
Duh. RT @ReallyPhilReese: RT @joemirabella: Did national orgs "through DREAM act activists" under the bus? #haas11 @blogdiva discussing now
joemirabella Joe Mirabella
"Death certificates in this country don't record sexual orientation or gender identity" #Haas11 wow
ZackFord Zack Ford
There are very limited data on completed suicides, and no collected info on sexual orientation and gender identity from deaths. #Haas11
joemirabella Joe Mirabella
"completed LGBT suicides", we almost no data on this #Haas11
uppityfag Patrick Connors
Why do YOU all own the language of the LGBT civil rights movement but the residents of SF - are any of you residents? do not? #Haas11
sickntired08 SNT
@interstateq @sunnivie demanding act and trans from you is not negativity but leave it to a coward like you to say it is #haas11
AfterElton AfterElton
Key point is despite common meme, very limited data on completed suicide deaths in GLBT community. May not be higher GLBT rate. #haas11
NGblog Nelson G.
had anyone spoke out about anti-muslim hrng @insterstateq and @zackford would say ignore them #haas11
sunnivie Sunnivie Brydum
#haas11 very little real info on #lgbt suicide. Problm of underreporting, psych autopsy which doesn't acct 4 sex orient/ident
ZackFord Zack Ford
In Denmark 2009, adult men in same-sex DP's were 8 times more likely to die by suicide than heterosexual peers. #Haas11
ZackFord Zack Ford
Suicide attempts are significantly more prevalent among gay/bi men than by lesbian/bi women. #Haas11
jostruitt Jos Truitt
Suicide attempts data exists but it's LGB data, not T #Haas11
interstateq Matt Comer
I love data. And, I love Ann Haas for providing it. Numbers and stats. Yay! #Haas11
ChrisRBarron Chris Barron
Ugh RT @joemirabella: "Are muslims the new gay? Are Unions the new gay?" #HAAS11 provocative questions
uppityfag Patrick Connors
@phblend Do you know where the Haas11 conference is being held? #Haas11
NGblog Nelson G.
@ZackFord #haas11 do U know Y? Because of religion, the same one you defend by being FB & T friends with Peter LaBarbera
ReallyPhilReese Phil Reese
"#Suicide attempts reported by a minority of LGB people (12-19% GB men, smaller % of LB women)" #Denmark #Haas11
queengasoline AnastasiaBeaverhausn
I don't trust a bunch of white folks discussing injustice in the world. #haas11 is clearly a political operation, not an LGBT function #lgbt
NGblog Nelson G.
@ZackFord You discuss nothing of the sort. You apologize for it. #haas11
jostruitt Jos Truitt
Trans suicide attempt data comes from non-probability surveys (like web surveys), show higher attempt rates #Haas11
hispanicpanic79 Daniel Villarreal
@ChrisRBarron re:RT @joemirabella Buddying w/ Michael Lucas & Ann Coulter put GOProud on the anti-Muslim/Union side, a reg GOPlank. #Haas11
ZackFord Zack Ford
The recent NGLTF study of trans people found that trans folks are 40x more likely to attempt suicide than the national average. #Haas11
PhilaGayNews Mark Segal
you can read all tweets from conference at #HAAS11
NGblog Nelson G.
@ZackFord Worse still to a guy who sources anti-gay boylovers and defends ex-gay christian pedophiles #haas11
bilerico Bil Browning
#haas11 highest suicide rates occur in middle aged and elderly people - risk increases with age
FirstTeamTommy Tommy
Except for that whole killing gays thing? RT @joemirabella: "Are muslims the new gay? Are Unions the new gay?" #HAAS11 provocative questions
WindyCityTimes1 Windy City Times
#haas11 Depression, anxiety disorders and substance use disorders 1.5 times higher in LGB people than comparable people. Tough discussion.
uppityfag Patrick Connors
Are any SF journalists or bloggers participating in this event? #Haas11 How has this event escaped coverage in #LGBT ground zero? Why?
ackFord Zack Ford
It's tough to discuss the mental health issues for LGB people that are consequences of homophobia. #Haas11
NGblog Nelson G.
@ZackFord of course it's tough. You cause it with your duplicity #haas11
P1Lal Prerna Lal
HAAS still owes me a reimbursement from that one shitty LGBT-Immigration conference last year. #Fail #Haas11
uppityfag Patrick Connors
Why would Trevor Project be given a space at the HRC/Milk store in the Castro when smaller local agencies need money, support? #Haas11
ReallyPhilReese Phil Reese
NESARC: "persons who identified as LGB had highr prevalence of mental disorders compared 2 same group of heterosexuals" #Haas11 why is this?
WindyCityTimes1 Windy City Times
#haas11 Women w/ only-female sexual behavior and attraction had fewer mental disorders than women in all other behavior or attraction categ
NGblog Nelson G.
Seriously, how does #Haas11 intended to reduce suicide among LGBT when they often try to have it both ways
ZackFord Zack Ford
Sexual orientation has to be measured not just by identity, but by behavior and attraction as well. #Haas11
WindyCityTimes1 Windy City Times
#haas11 Persons who ID as LGor B had higher prevalence of mental disorders compared to comparable hetero (Bostwick et all 2010)
WindyCityTimes1 Windy City Times
#haas11 Men with same-sex behavior and attraction also showed higher prevalence of disorders than other men (Bostwick et all 2010)
sunnivie Sunnivie Brydum
#haas11 women w only female sex experience/attraction reported LOWEST mental disordrs than other/het women
WindyCityTimes1 Windy City Times
#haas11 Mental disorders appear to be “explain” suicide attempts less well in LGB than hetero individuals
WindyCityTimes1 Windy City Times
#haas11 Stigma, discrimination and victimization might be the additional linkage on sexual orientation and gender ID.
sunnivie Sunnivie Brydum
#haas11 even when removing/accting 4 mental disorders, #lesbian, #gay, #bisexual STILL 2-3x higher suicide rta
WindyCityTimes1 Windy City Times
#haas11 Parental rejection is an especially powerful risk factor for suicidal ideation and behavior in LGBT youth (Ryan et al 2009)
uppityfag Patrick Connors
Not big, but big enough for dozens of gays to be flown in to SF? @chrisgeidner @szollman If not big why not let someone from SF in? #Haas11
ZackFord Zack Ford
Some of our best studies on bullying come from other countries, like Japan and Korea, as examples. #Haas11
joemirabella Joe Mirabella
"some of our best studies on bullying don't come from U.S." Maybe that can change with @whitehouse dedication to stopping bullying #haas11
ZackFord Zack Ford
There is higher suicidal thinking in both the bullied AND the bullies themselves. #Haas11
uppityfag Patrick Connors
I wasn't invited to help Haas spend $ but I'm in SF and can be there in 15 min. Just need to brush my hair. @chrisgeidner @szollman #Haas11
bilerico Bil Browning
#haas11 Large majority of youth who are bullied don't engage in self-harm behavior
NGblog Nelson G.
#haas11 almost 2 hrs into this thing, gays still being osctracised and no1 still has any solutions. just lots of fancy PP presentations
jostruitt Jos Truitt
High suicide risk among bullied youth and youth who bully others #Haas11
bilerico Bil Browning
#haas11 Discriminatory laws & policies linked to elevated rates of mental disorders in LGB people
NGblog Nelson G.
Again, can't talk about LGBT discrimination without acknowledging #Haas11 attendees who discriminate against LGBT's.
WindyCityTimes1 Windy City Times
#haas11 Looked at how anti-gay marriage campaigns negatively impacted LGB mental disorders in those states. (Hatzenbuehler et al 2009)
ZackFord Zack Ford
Harsher? Or just synergistic? RT @joemirabella: Sounds like governmental bullying has harsher effect than p2p bullying #haas11
Ameriqueer Gaytriot Ameriqueer
What questions do you have about #LGBT #Youth #Suicide prevention? Talking about #HealthInsurance coverage barriers now
FakePhilReese Phil Reese
What questions do you have about #LGBT #Youth #Suicide prevention? Talking about #HealthInsurance coverage barriers now #Haas11
NGblog Nelson G.
#Haas11 no interest doing anything about preventing state mandated homophobia. Too much $$$ in homophobia biz for gays and anti-gays
chrisgeidner Chris Geidner
Ann Haas: #DOMA sets up health insurance disparities, creating barriers to mental health treatment. #HAAS11 #lgbt
interstateq Matt Comer
Are there any studies on how religion intersects with #LGBT mental health disorders/suicide ideation? #Haas11
joemirabella Joe Mirabella
"if we don't get counted in terms of mortality statistics we simply are invisible" Write letters to your st reps now #haas11
uppityfag Patrick Connors
Hey Bajko / Baume are either of you at #Haas11@stop8dotorg @politicalnotes @chrisgeidner @szollman Where is it being held? Is there a moat?
ZackFord Zack Ford
@interstateq Certainly the impact of ex-gay therapy (+ its promotion) has clearly been demonstrated to cause psychological harm. #Haas11
joemirabella Joe Mirabella
We need to change state laws to include sexual orientation and gender identity. #haas11
WindyCityTimes1 Windy City Times
#haas11 Need to mandate that studies of mental health & suicide that receive federal funding recruit and include LGBT & must be identified.
ZackFord Zack Ford
Federally-funded studies of mental health MUST be inclusive of gender and sexual minorities. #haas11
Ameriqueer Gaytriot Ameriqueer
#Haas11 Close knowledge gaps: MOVE BEYOND SURVEYS (too limited!). Must measure SO/GI in all national health surveys #LGBT Ann Haas
NGblog Nelson G.
#Haas11 more irony. attendees talking about fear of invisibility while encouraging same on T & FB.
ReallyPhilReese Phil Reese
GREAT Q! RT @szollman: @ReallyPhilReese what type of services are there for youth in the juvenile justice system?? #Haas11
uppityfag Patrick Connors
Does the creation of haves / havenots within LGBT community foment feelings of despair leading to isolation? #Haas11 Are we ALL LGBT?
uppityfag Patrick Connors
Wouldn't it have been HELPFUL to have local experts invited to spend the Haas $$ ? @szollman @ReallyPhilReese #Haas11
ZackFord Zack Ford
The promotion of ex-gay ideas continues to undermine the ability for the LGBT community to be recognized as a minority group.
AfterElton AfterElton
We may be most successful moving GLBT bullying and suicide work forward as a health issue vs. a political issue. #haas11
chrisjohnson82 Chris Johnson
Haas: May be more successful moving on #LGBT inclusion on surveys as a health isssue and not a political issue #haas11
NGblog Nelson G.
Really? Now #Haas11 talking about ex-gays? Oprah validated ex-gays and all GayINC did was kiss her ass.
irishpunk87 Ryan Irish Wetter
RT @bilerico #haas11 Rightwing likes to quote higher r8s of depression & substance abuse n LGBT ppl but never tie it 2 homophobic behaviors
chrisgeidner Chris Geidner
Ann Haas, on death certificates, and #lgbt identification, "It's a mess" -- bc it's often not even a state issue, it's local. #HAAS11
jostruitt Jos Truitt
Don't have enough data on queer and trans folks and economic status. #Haas11
jostruitt Jos Truitt
Measuring gender identity and esp gender non-conformity, any measure of trans folks immense challenge that must be addressed #Haas11
ZackFord Zack Ford
How can we measure gender non-conformity? Perhaps the answer doesn't matter, merely whether it's apparent in the bullying language. #Haas11
uppityfag Patrick Connors
Where will you take your break? Are you going outside for a smoke? Would I see you from my kitchen window like Sarah? @bilerico #Haas11
sickntired08 SNT
#haas11 how abt so damn truth... that we do more damage 2 R community then any out side source, that we discriminate more than anyone else
joemirabella Joe Mirabella
I've got 3 state reps, a st senator, and our human rights commissioner looking into changing death certificate rules #haas11
AdvocateGuy Ezekiel
Rightwing likes to quote higher rates of depression & substance abuse in LGBT people but never tie it to homophobic behaviors | #haas11
NoticiasLGBT Noticias LGBT
At Haas Fund LGBT editor / blogger gathering on bullying, suicide prevention and LGBT youth. Follow #haas11 hashtag or @ReallyPhilReese
WindyCityTimes1 Windy City Times
#haas11 If LGBTs don’t report selves on surveys, we won’t be counted. Has political, funding, health and other ramifications.
ReallyPhilReese Phil Reese
#Haas11 "If we had DATA about ourselves we could ADVOCATE for ourselves." We MUST self-identify. Out of the bar & into the street! #ComeOut
ppityfag Patrick Connors
Yesterday a Twitter friend had cam out his window 2 broadcast the SF "tsunami" via Ustream. Too much to ask #haas11 @NGblog @queengasoline
NGblog Nelson G.
@queengasoline thirty seconds, they could put #Haas11 online thru Twitvid 4 every1 2 C.
uppityfag Patrick Connors
U say "I say ignore the trolls." Do you mean residents of SF? The uninvited? The public that wants to meet u? @interstateq @bilerico #haas11
WindyCityTimes1 Windy City Times
#haas11 2011 Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention, put the 2001 National Suicide report into action. Task Force on LGBT youth suicide
uppityfag Patrick Connors
Pity they wouldn't want to be welcoming to the local talent RT @MattBaume I can tell you I was not invited. HINT TAKEN. #haas11
rodmccullom Rod McCullom
Heehee . It seems many virtul peeps thought I was a shorty. #Haas11
uppityfag Patrick Connors
Why would they bitch about HRC elitism and then throw their own pvt party? @NGblog @queengasoline #haas11 ONE event all weekend is 2 much?
WindyCityTimes1 Windy City Times
#haas11 Now speaking: Carl Siciliano, exec dir of Ali Forney Center and Ksen Pallegedara, former Ali Forney client and law student
ZackFord Zack Ford
No cruelty is greater than the homelessness forced upon LGBT youth. -Carl Siciliano, Ali Forney Center #Haas11
WindyCityTimes1 Windy City Times
#haas11 Carl Siciliano, homeless youth a top priority for our community. Thousands of youth kick out and who suffer brutality on the streets
NGblog Nelson G.
@uppityfag @queengasoline pure hypocrisy at #Haas11
NGblog Nelson G.
#Haas11 law degrees don't mean a fucking thing if one is trying to advance a political majority or lifestyle.
joemirabella Joe Mirabella
62% of homeless #lgbt youth have attempted or considered suicide #haas11
WindyCityTimes1 Windy City Times
#haas11 Carl: how frightened I was this past fall & winter. LGBT youth and homeless are at incredible risk for suicide. High % try suicide.
NGblog Nelson G.
#Haas11 and then having audacity to tell those who should be there, they should be ignored or con't count as LGBT's.
michaelajones michaelajones
More than 1,000 homeless LGBT youth in NYC, but only around 300 beds to support them #Haas11
sunnivie Sunnivie Brydum
@jostruitt I went back to hotel to get my comp fpr #haas11. Now I'm locked out. Send some1 down to let me in?
kaburkhardt Kelly Burkhardt
Help lgbt teen suicide by buying a handmade t-shirt I design. All $$ going to @TrevorPhilly & @TrevorProject #haas11
ReallyPhilReese Phil Reese
#Haas11 Has the media attention on #LGBT #Youth #Suicide created copycat events? I can ask your questions of ED of Ali Forney Carl Siciliano
queengasoline AnastasiaBeaverhausn
Well, any mo's that weren't invited to #haas11 are probably mo's I should be following. Diversity rocks, unless you're Gay Inc. #lgbt
Blabbeando Blabbeando
From @Clarknt67 Austerity Measures Averted: No Cuts To Homeless Services Budget in NYC!! cc: #Haas11
Arizona_Abby Abby Jensen
@bilerico Sad I haven't heard any mention (yet) that rate of suicide attempts for #trans people is 26x national average. #haas11
uppityfag Patrick Connors
Hey visiting gays - ST Patty's parade in SF #haas11 Route goes from 2nd and Market to the civic center-see you there!
ReallyPhilReese Phil Reese
#Haas11 Siciliano: "None of [homeless #youth] murders ever solved [in NYC]" #LGBT
NGblog Nelson G.
@ReallyPhilReese Ironic, huh? Being told about after #Haas11 spent hundreds of thousands of dollars for this event
adamleben Adam Taylor
Shout out from the UofM Art & Activism Conference to the San Fran. #LBGT Blogger Conference today #Haas11
uppityfag Patrick Connors
Would inviting professionals in SF to speak have been helpful in addressing #lgbt homlessness? @ReallyPhilReese Or too distracting? #haas11
sickntired08 SNT
RT @ReallyPhilReese: #Haas11 Siciliano: "None of [homeless #youth] murders ever solved [in NYC]" #LGBT
NGblog Nelson G.
@sickntired08 @ReallyPhilReese that's because there's no reporting on them by media.NYPD buries those stats. #Haas11
uppityfag Patrick Connors
Hey @Clarknt67 were U invited 2 attend #haas11 in SF? Do you have any idea where they are meeting? Would love oppty to meet the #LGBT elite.
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