Lucas recent commentary is ok, but that not what I want to address here.
Instead lets look at this comment,
Name: Mark
Date posted: 3/3/2011 6:23:54 PM
Hometown: Tel Aviv
Michael has made some excellent points. I just wish to repeat that I am sure that the LGBT center in NYC is not so strapped for cash that it needs to rent out space to non-LBGT oriented organizations. Certainly there are other venues for this organization. It has no place at the center and I very happy that they decided not to have it there.
Hell the fucking community can’t even support their own business, unless it a bar, or a adult book where they can get their dicks suck off in the back rooms..
Just look all over the country almost all the LGBT Bookstores are closed or in the process of closing. Why one might ask? Because we rather shop on line for those cheap ass books, new and used, instead of supporting our local LGBT business.
Then, when you hear that they are closing a once great social meeting bookstore, then you ask why, how could this happen?
Easy because we fail to support them. Period.
Recently in my area the local White Rabbit bookstore in Raleigh closed, their store in Charlotte is still open but for how long. Every time I visit Raleigh I would stop by the White Rabbit, often spending over two hundred dollars. I only wish I lived closer, so I could have supported more. The folks there always went way beyond normal service. They were also polite, friendly and had time to talk with you.
So Mark that is why they might have the need to rent out space for non-lgbt events.
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