Towleroad (@tlrd) | |
District Of Columbia Council Approves Bill Protecting LGBT Youth From Conversion Therapy | |
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Towleroad (@tlrd) | |
District Of Columbia Council Approves Bill Protecting LGBT Youth From Conversion Therapy | |
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![]() | Jeremy Hooper (@goodasyou) |
Sorry I can't join my pals and compatriots at tonight's #out100 event. Have fun! |
![]() | Equality NC (@equalitync) |
In the wake of marriage equality, our community faces making the choice between getting married & not getting fired. #BetterChoicesNC |
From: "Tami Fitzgerald" <>
Date: October 21, 2014 at 7:15:05 PM EDT
Subject: Marriage will be on the ballot again this November
Campaign Monitor Newsletter
Marriage is back on the ballot this November thanks to Senator Kay Hagan.In our new web ad, we're connecting the dots on how we ended up with same-sex marriage in our state despite over 60% of voters supporting our Marriage Amendment! Hint: Senator Kay Hagan is directly involved.Watch the ad and remember to vote for marriage this November!Please also consider a donation to the NC Values Coalition to help us continue defending marriage in our state!![]()
Paid for By North Carolina Values Coalition 9650 Strickland Road Suite 103-226
Raleigh, NC 27615. | (919) 844-6553Paid for by NC Values Coalition.
Contributions or gifts to NC Values Coalition, an IRC 501(c)(4) organization, are not tax deductible as charitable contributions. Financial information about this organization and a copy of its license are available from the North Carolina State Solicitation Licensing Branch at 919.807.2214. The license is not an endorsement by the State.![]()
While the LGBT Communities of NC celebrates that Gay Marriage has come to NC, Qnotes have been reporting every LGBT marriage they can find, even live streaming one from Charlotte, but in truth they are mainly reporting those in the Charlotte area.
I tweeted the following,
Another LGBT news outlet tweeted this,"@PilotNews: Elizabeth City magistrate turns away same-sex couple" we will C this on @qnotescarolinas oops its in enc
— SNT (@sickntired08) October 14, 2014
Still nothing from Qnotes, so this was tweeted,@qnotescarolinas its all about #charlottenc #gaymarriage, fuck the Eastern NC why not a story abt this??
— SNT (@sickntired08) October 14, 2014
Well They finally got around to it, kind of,@qnotescarolinas its all about #charlottenc #gaymarriage, fuck the Eastern NC why not a story abt this??
— SNT (@sickntired08) October 14, 2014
it would seem that they only wrote about after getting word from ENC (Equality NC),Staffers w/ @equalitync monitoring alleged anti-#LGBT marriage discrimination across state. The details:
— QNotes (@qnotescarolinas) October 15, 2014
Statewide advocacy group Equality North Carolina said Tuesday it will work to ensure all couples have access to legally wed, now a constitutional right. Their moves come after an Eastern North Carolina magistrate refused to marry two men on Monday, the story going viral on Tuesday and landing in national news outlets and blogs.
Why the wait, if you live in Eastern NC you might know, its that Eastern NC doesn’t matter to Qnotes nor ENC, so yes it was shocking that ENC learn about, but how is the question?
To my knowledge VA Pilot News reported it first, I could be wrong, but I do know Qnotes wasn’t. if you are following Qnotes on Facebook this is how they reported it,
see Eastern NC doesn’t matter to them, cause there isn’t a large number of gay and lesbian couples in the area so why bother..
more proof of this can be seen on their FB feed,
see its all about Greensboro, Asheville, Durham, Raleigh, and a course Charlotte all other as elsewhere..
Non of this was shared on Google + at all..
Qnotes are not the only ones who ignore Eastern NC, Equality NC does it too, till they need more support or money.. BTW, Wilmington is not Eastern, its Southern since its almost of the line state line with South Carolina.. Jacksonville is more Eastern than Wilmington..
Carolina Democrats (@NCDemocrats) | |
Another perfect toon from David Cohen #NCLGBT #ncpol #equality | |
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Can you believe this Bitch, I can only say with 10 boys, you know that there is a chance at least two are gay.. but you can bet they are teaching each other how to masturbate.. Hell, I hope two come out as Trans..
Hello, this is Michelle Duggar. I’m calling to inform you of some shocking news that would affect the safety of Northwest Arkansas women and children. The Fayetteville City Council is voting on an ordinance this Tuesday night that would allow men – yes, I said men – to use women's and girls' restrooms, locker rooms, showers, sleeping areas and other areas that are designated for females only. I don’t believe the citizens of Fayetteville would want males with past child predator convictions that claim they are female to have a legal right to enter private areas that are reserved for women and girls. I doubt that Fayetteville parents would stand for a law that would endanger their daughters or allow them to be traumatized by a man joining them in their private space. We should never place the preference of an adult over the safety and innocence of a child. Parents, who do you want undressing next to your daughter at the public swimming pool’s private changing area?
So how many could be gay, or a lesbian, or Trans,
Back in the day North Carolina had a few great LGBT newspapers.. The Front Page, The Triangle, and Qnotes.. Now we are left only with Qnotes, which center all writing and articles on or in Charlotte, with very little content from other parts of NC..
The Front Page back in it days were more focus and included North Carolina as a whole. The Front Page which was created in the backroom of the White Rabbit when it was in Raleigh merge with Qnotes in 2006, ever since its been a downhill adventure.
Today’s Qnotes is once again centered on Charlotte’s LGBT Community, while basically ignoring the rest of NC, from time to time there will be piece on smaller communities in NC, but they never cover the whole state. Now I’m paraphrasing the following, “ We are a small paper with limited time and money and we can’t include other communities, regularly”. this was said after the question why they were basically ignoring Eastern NC.. However, for some strange reason, many believe Wilmington, NC is apart of Eastern NC, its more Southern then Eastern.
This biweekly edition of Qnotes in the same,, 85+% is about life in Charlotte. I don’t know why they just don’t go back to their old name Queen City Notes, at least it would be more honest in name..
So what has happen to NC other LGBT Newspaper?
This edition was the last one be published. I remember Karen handing these out at a few Moral Mondays events in Raleigh last summer (2013).
To this date, there hasn’t been anything new from them. I’m sure the lack of community support played a huge part with it closure, but why? The same community in Raleigh/Durham supports Qnotes, but seem not to support the very paper in their own backyard.
So, What the hell is going on in Raleigh, Durham/Chapel Hill LGBT community.. I can only fathom, that if the events of the day doesn’t happen at the local bars, the community could are less.
The page might be dead, but their Facebook page is hanging on via Life support..
Washington Blade (@WashBlade) | |
Adams Morgan restaurant Bistro 18 named in anti-LGBT discrimination complaint |
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LGBTQ Nation (@lgbtqnation) | |
#Florida gay rights group endorses @CharlieCrist for governor - | |
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Via press release:
GLAAD today announced that Republican political commentator, author, and TV personality Meghan McCain; Executive Vice President, Commercial Services at Hilton Worldwide Jeff Diskin; Harvard Law School professor and venture capitalist with August Capital, David Hornik; and Managing Director at Opportunities for Women, Linda Riley will join the organization's National Board of Directors. As the daughter of U.S. Senator John McCain, Meghan McCain was propelled into the national spotlight at an early age, involved in everything from community events to national conventions. A powerful role model for young women and Republicans alike, she passionately discusses women’s issues, social issues, and marriage equality, among other LGBT issues. In 2013, McCain launched her genre-busting docu-talk series ‘Raising McCain’ on Pivot, Participant Media’s new television network aimed at the Millennial generation. Most recently, Meghan has signed on to co-host the late night news program 'TakePart Live' on Pivot—a nightly live show that decodes the news stories of the day with irreverence and insight, and points viewers to related actions.
HGTV has decided not to move forward with the Benham Brothers' series.
— HGTV (@hgtv) May 7, 2014
Less that 24 hours after Right Wing Watch exposed their anti-gay activism, HGTV has canceled the planned real estate reality show that was to star North Carolina twin brothers David and Jason Benham. Read all about the vile pair at RWW. Right Wing Watch reports that HGTV has green-lighted a reality show that will star North Carolina anti-gay activists David and Jason Benham.
David Benham led a prayer rally — Charlotte 7:14 — outside of the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina in 2012, which he told conservative radio host Janet Mefferd was needed to stop “homosexuality and its agenda that is attacking the nation” and “demonic ideologies tak[ing] our universities and our public school systems.” He told Mefferd that his brother Jason joined him in organizing the DNC prayer protest. David also leads protests outside of abortion clinics where he praises demonstrators for taking a stand at “the gates of hell” and confronting the “altars of Moloch.” He also protested at a 2009 LGBT event [PDF] in Charlotte. He serves on the board of the Coalition of Conscience [PDF], a group led by far-right anti-gay activist Michael Brown.From HGTV's description of the show, Flip It Forward:
After a decade of flipping houses for profit, brothers David Benham and Jason Benham now help families buy the homes they never thought they could afford. In each episode, the guys help a deserving family find a fixer-upper and transform it into their forever home - with a healthy dose of sibling rivalry between the brothers along the way.
There Gayinc opinion,
David Benham on Homosexuality by RightWingWatch via #soundcloud
GayINC the new bullies in town,,,
HGBT is already reacting to the RWW post.
Gayinc will make sure the show doesn’t happen, while keeping media whore dykes like Ellen on the air.. Which in only on air because of the men stripping down.. at least three times a month.. for ratings.
I say the following, if the LGBT community and our Allies are willing to spend millions getting same sex marriage passed, and do nothing about those who really need the help; then they too, are fucking disgraceful.
the photo.
From Jen Jones of Equality NC,
Does this image piss you off? Does it make you angry to know there are people out there who think NC should *celebrate* the passage of Amendment One? Then, join me for a CookOUT for Marriage Equality, at Motorco, in Durham, on the 2nd anniversary of Amendment One, May 8, from 6-8, as we show the entire Tar Heel state what hundreds of folks fighting for marriage really looks like
There would like for you to join them for their little cookout thingy.. Click here..
Amendment Pass due to the huge failure of NC Equality,, only targeting Cities with Colleges East of 95, completely ignoring Eastern NC, where the NC Family Value target and won each of those counties. Lets not forget the huge post card campaign which was as a failure, they delivered the cards on the day of the Vote. So, the member of the House and Senate never got to see those card before they voted..
Equality NC basically help this amendment to pass, so they could use it for future fund raisers.
Yes, I have burnt my share of Bridges in my life time, many I regret, others I’m glad I did. How about you?
One day only! Win FREE Cher tickets to concert tomorrow night! Enter today! Details:
— QNotes (@qnotescarolinas) May 4, 2014
yes, a contest which you have to live or play, well you had to know the local Gay bar’s bartenders, now if you vote for one of these ppl, you could win tickets to see Cher. that is only if you live in Charlotte,, I guess the rest of NC is out of luck..
Yes you read correctly. I’m revamping my SNT blog..
Over the last few years I have let the actions of local and nation so-called LGBT Activist get the better of me and allow my inter-devil advocate to come out.. And, for the most parts I did/have gone over the cliff into insanity..
My new blog will, I hope be fair and balance.. Well, I can hope can’t I.
It should be up and running by the End of the month..
here is the new address
A boycott which was started by GAYINC.
Celebs join boycott of Beverly Hills Hotel: "Celebrities from Sharon Osbourne to Ellen DeGeneres are joining a protest directed at the Beverly Hills Hotel, which is owned by the Sultan of Brunei, whose country is about to impose the death penalty on gays and others who violate its laws."
Yes GayINC is willing to cause many Americans to lose their jobs, solely cause another country laws on homosexuality.. Over the fact that Gayinc in other Countries are not a powerful as Gayinc is here at home.. Where GayInc is back by the closet fags and Dykes of Hollywood, and other closeted Fags and Dykes..
There is a little LGBT newspaper here in NC.. Yes it’s still alive.. Well, someone has an ideal for a piece i.e. a story…
from the site,
now the guy who is writing this claims that this isn’t about sex or sex appeal.. after you submit you name and info, it tells you that your entry isn’t complete till you submit a high-quality, high-resolution (300dpi) photo via email.
now if this little contest was truly about who is the best in Charlotte, then the bartender name and the bar name should be a enough.. Right.. wrong this contest is to help sell ad space for that edition of the paper.. and we all know in Advertising sex sell..
which of the two would you pick as the best bartender..
How we all in the LGBT community bars,, its all about sex appeal, period.
"The guy who had the gall to express his First Amendment rights and favor Prop 8 in California by donating $1,000 has just been scalped by some gay activists. Will he now be forced to walk through the streets in shame? Why not the stocks? The whole episode disgusts me – as it should disgust anyone interested in a tolerant and diverse society. If this is the gay rights movement today – hounding our opponents with a fanaticism more like the religious right than anyone else – then count me out. If we are about intimidating the free speech of others, we are no better than the anti-gay bullies who came before us." - Andrew Sullivan, writing tonight for his blog.
Towleroad (@tlrd) | |
Westboro Baptist Church Pastor Fred Phelps 'on the Edge of Death' According to Son
| |
This weekend a group of top LGBT bloggers and journalists (decide by Bill of the Bilerico Project) from across the US are converging on Washington, D.C. for this year's LGBT Media Journalists Convening, sponsored by the Haas, Jr. Fund and hosted by the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association.
Yes Bill has managed to get more Funds from the Crypt Keepers at Haas Jr. Foundation.
This Year it’s all about Bi-inclusive and touring the White House, Let’s hope no one will be taking a selfies of themselves giving the Nation the middle finger again like last time.. They will have panels on everything from debunking Anti-LGBT attacks to increasing diversity in queer journalism.. Then the usual everyone for themselves after panel cocktail party at some local bar, within walking distance of the Hotel..
However these freeloaders decide to talk about Aaron Schock Sex life, claiming that bisexual folks are mostly abuse individuals. And that most Bi-women are survivors of sexual abuse/rape. The need, to have a talk about race and class relations within our community.
One attendee doubt that any LGBT activist/journalist could ever risk an honest article examining the role of sex has in their own work and organizing. Another claim you can’t talk about race without being called a racist. Then you have them talking about equal levels of homophobia among the Trans-community as trans-phobia among gay people. Also the term gay couple is out and same sex couple is in via #gayinc talking points memo.. Then you have those making the following statement, “the average American still doesn’t know what transgender means.” Hell most Transgender don’t either.. I’m shock that they didn’t or they might have bought up the “cis” shit.. Another claims that we need to educate America..
Of Course after making a few comments, one tweeted back wondering when I would show, and ask if I was jealous, and a sad person. Then the same person asks if I would have come to the convening if I was invited, the answer is Hell fucking NO. For one I don’t need a foundation to pay my way or give me a mini vacation..
I have to wonder how Bill picks these people, these are the same people (almost) every year at these little get together..
The Following were invited,
N.C. Values Coalition Executive Director Tami Fitzgerald encouraged social media users to use the hash tags #RightTrackNC and #NCThanksYou when sending messages of gratitude to Gov. Pat McCrory and legislative leaders.
Well NC Gayinc isn’t have any of that, so Jen Jones of Equality decide to hijack those hash tags.
From her FB page,
Friends -- we're hijacking the hash tags #RightTtrackNC and #NCthanksyou. Get on Twitter and tweet!
Of course Qnotes is ok with it too.
It would seem that ENC has a history of stealing ideals from others.
Yes its true,, Aiken has decide to run against Renee Ellmers for her set in Congress for North Carolina Second Congressional district. That is if he wins the Democratic primary against two other folks.
Aiken, said in a Video that Washington is “Dysfunctional.” Too many people go to Washington where they let the politics change them.. Really, like he will be immune from the same thing. NOT!
I really don’t know which is worst, Renee or Clay, both are full of shit. However, it will make for a good time to see who will sling the most crap.
On Jan. 22, the group announced it is on the verge of closure and may shut its doors at the end of February.
This was attack a local activist in Charlotte who wasn’t happy with the way they threated him.. Cause a stink over close meetings and lack of Transparency.
I hope they have found a way to stay open, after this person bitch and complain, cause many to leave the center..
However, some in the community is already planning to create a new Center if this one fails..
Controversy over the center’s lack of transparency and financial problems have inspired at least one public effort to establish a new organization if the center should fail. About half a dozen community members under the leadership of activist Janice Covington say they have already secured temporary meeting space and are poised to create a steering committee to form a new organization if necessary.
Talking about stabbing people in the back..
If it was a true slur the Huff Gay would never have used it in a Headline piece.
Also then you have Drag Queen personality RuPaul, see the tweet,
Tranny Chaser f/Joslyn Fox - Download "RuPaul Presents The CoverGurlz"
— RuPaul (@RuPaul) February 4, 2014
It would seems that Glaad and Wilson Cruz and the rest of Gayinc has given RuPaul a free pass on it..
So its ok for Well Known Drags to use it, but not a straight person.
Are you happy with your body? The folks at Qnotes wants to know. They have a upcoming issue dealing with that very subject. They even asking for people all shapes and sizes to sign up for a photo shoot in Charlotte for the very said issue.
From their Facebook Account,
Hello all! QNotes is looking for several models who are willing to take off a bit of clothing for a very special, provocative, yet educational/awareness-building print edition in late January. We are looking for models of ALL ages, ALL races, ALL sizes/body types, ALL genders, ALL abilities*. Models must be 18 or over and must be comfortable posing semi-nude** in individual and group shots as well as comfortable discussing why they are proud of who they are and why they are proud of their body. For more information or to indicate your interest in participating, email Matt at
* QNotes will strive to be inclusive of a wide diversity of our community, including people of color, transgender individuals and people of all abilities/capabilities.
** The photo shoot is non-pornographic in nature, but is a body-positive and sex-positive focused feature. For these purposes, semi-nude is defined as all skin not covered by a normal men's speedo/bikini-type bathing suit or women's bikini.
this beauty earth is now 2014 years old. #Amazing #newyearrocks
— Meadow Zoe (@MeadowZoeu) January 2, 2014
This beautiful earth is now 2014 years old. #Amazing #newyearrocks
— Zariah Dylan (@ZariahDylanj) January 2, 2014
this beauty earth is now 2014 years old. #Amazing #newyearrocks
— Faith Valerie (@FaithValerieb) January 2, 2014
This beautiful earth is now 2014 years old. #Amazing
— GunZnLipstick (@MiiABiiShh) January 1, 2014
Very interesting statement, which I'm sure the #transinc community will claim to be Transphobic.. in natural. There is nothing bias ...