Monday, February 28, 2011
Why is the Gay elite throwing the Trans-community under the bus?
Why are we and the Gay Media not standing up for our Trans brothers and sister? Why does GAY Inc. have problem with them. It’s ok for Gay Media to take Trans-money but not support them.. This wrong.
Note: I will have to do more research on this topic and post more.
However listen following video,
Marty also talks about the Insideout group, when Mike Rogers makes the rules that all members must follow, and promote the same news stories in the same way..
So who is Mike Rogers,
Mike Rogers (born November 12, 1963) is an American fundraiser, blogger and gay rights activist in the Washington, D.C.-area best known for his activity in outing allegedly closeted gay politicians who actively oppose gay rights. He has worked as a fundraiser for a number of non-governmental organizations, is publisher of PageOneQ and is associate publisher of The Raw Story. He is a leading subject of the 2009 film Outrage, on the subject of outing closeted politicians.
Rogers' web site has been a focal point for outing those he considers to be closeted gay politicians who actively oppose gay rights. His blog has been discussed in the Washington Post and he has been a focal point in the debate over the ethics of outing public figures. Recent targets for Rogers have included Representatives Ed Schrock and David Dreier, U.S. Senator Larry Craig and South Carolina Lieutenant Governor Andre Bauer. He also reported on Jeff Gannon's lack of reporting credentials while having White House press credentials. In September 2008, Mike outed Mark Buse, John McCain's Chief of Staff, as being gay.
Folks like Mike here, and those in the Gay Inc. and Country Club, only wants those rights for themselves that they can buy for themselves..
Today’s This and That
Move N.C. Forward, Don’t Hold N.C. Back,
On Monday, the Budget and Tax Center put forward a revenue modernization plan that would effectively address the revenue problem driving North Carolina’s budget shortfall and move the state forward. On Thursday, the new majority entered legislation to hold North Carolina back. The so-called Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR), by limiting growth in revenues to population growth plus inflation, would lead to a sustained and worsening decline in the quality of public structures—public schools, colleges and universities, heath care and mental health services—and harm the state’s long-term economic growth potential.
Special needs kids “too expensive” at conservative activist’s private schools
WUNC radio ran a story earlier this week on one of Art Pope’s main men in the effort to privatize/profitize/re-segregate the public schools, Bob Luddy. Luddy runs a chain of private schools under the name Thales Academy. Ron Margiotta used to sit on the Thales board of directors.
Synthetic reefer madness: Orwellian language and absurd penalties in fake pot bill
The wacky proposals just keep on coming over at the General Assembly. Sarah Preston of theACLU-NC called our attention to this Senate proposal to criminalize “synthetic cannabinoids” (aka “K2″ “Spice” or synthetic marijuana).
Thursday, February 24, 2011
FW: SB 106: Next Steps
Yesterday afternoon SB 106, the anti-LGBT constitutional amendment, was introduced in the North Carolina Senate. We asked you to take action in anticipation of this terrible bill, and it has already made a real difference.
Over 3,500 people emailed their senators in opposition to the bill in the last week, in addition to the nearly 200 people who met with legislators at Equality NC's Day of Action and hundreds of others who made phone calls. Although 23 senators sponsored the bill, a majority of senators (8 Republicans and all 19 Democrats) refused to sponsor this harmful legislation. That is a powerful signal that we can fight this thing and we can win.
You probably have some questions about the bill and what it means, and I'll try to answer some of those below.
First, I want you to know that Equality NC's top priority this year is to defeat this amendment in the legislature. It's a tall order in a tough political climate, but we've beaten the odds before. Our lobbyist, Dean Plunkett, and I are working hard every day to bring legislators on both sides of the aisle to our cause. We are mobilizing and expanding our base of activists across the state and engaging the public to stand up for fairness like never before.
I'll be calling on you to take action frequently in the coming weeks. I hope you can make a commitment right now to send those emails, make those phone calls, and volunteer your time at those critical moments. And I hope you'll enlist your friends, family, and colleagues in protecting all North Carolina families.
To learn more about the anti-gay amendment and what it means, check out the Frequently Asked Questions below.
For Equality,
The bill would amend the state constition to include a new section that reads "Marriage between a man and a woman is the only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized in this State." Click here to see the full text on the legislature's website.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Victory: Obama stops defending DOMA!
Dear James,
In a rare and extraordinary step, today the Obama Administration announced that it will stop defending the discriminatory federal "Defense of Marriage Act" (DOMA) in court – specifically, the section that denies federal benefits to married same-sex couples. DOMA keeps these couples from getting family and medical leave, Social Security survivors' benefits, joint tax filing, and immigration rights, among many other benefits. You helped bring about this historic day. HRC supporters like you have written tens of thousands of letters to President Obama, shared thousands of personal stories of how DOMA has hurt their families, and helped HRC engage in years of advocacy on this issue with the administration. As President Obama himself has said, DOMA unfairly discriminates against Americans. He needs to know how many people applaud his decision to defend the principles of the constitution. The Obama Administration has dealt a double blow to DOMA today. Not only has it stopped defending this law (which the president has long called discriminatory), it has affirmed that any law that discriminates based on sexual orientation should have to pass a higher legal test in court. This is a monumental decision for thousands of same-sex couples and their families. Unfortunately, anti-LGBT leaders in Congress may have a chance to defend the law themselves, so it's not the end of the road for DOMA. But together, we'll fight any attempt to waste taxpayer dollars defending this patently unconstitutional law. The federal government has no business picking and choosing which legal marriages they want to recognize. Thank you for all your hard work on this issue, and for your continued commitment to building a nation where all are equal. Sincerely, Joe Solmonese President This link is specific to you, so please take action before you forward to your friends. Having trouble clicking on the links above? Simply copy and paste this URL into your browser's address bar to reach the action page: | |
© 2011 The Human Rights Campaign. All rights reserved. Human Rights Campaign | 1640 Rhode Island Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036-3278 Phone: 202/628-4160 TTY: 202/216-1572 Fax: 202/347-5323 | |
NC Marriage Activist Hypocrisy
Recently Matt over at Qnotes, wrote piece about the Filing of the Anti-gay marriage bill that was filed by Gaston County Sen. James Forrester.
link to the bill.
I made a simple comment on this post. It was short and to the point.
so where/when do we start our campaign against this bill?????????????????????
Comment by SNT — February 22, 2011 @ 9:28 pm
In which two fucking pinheads have to post their holier than thou opinions.
Appellation had this to say,
SNT,Then this asshole weight in,
At a very minimum, please pay attention to Equality NC. They’ve been fighting the marriage amendment for years, and have continued that fight this year.
They’ve already held one lobby day (earlier than usual). Their legislative contact campaign (email/phone/letter/etc.) has been active for weeks.
I know you’re aware of these happenings because you complain about them and then somehow find an excuse not to go or participate.
If you want to start your own campaign, no one is stopping you.
Otherwise, you still have the option to participate in existing efforts.
Comment by Appellation — February 23, 2011 @ 10:39 am (note some of the comment was deleted)
@Appellation… I’m starting to think that SNT and other “gay” bloggers like him are just anti-gay trolls in sheep’s clothing out to distract gay folks, cause divisions and sow distrust among our community.So simply by asking a question, these bastards attack me, fine but they know I can’t attack them back on Qnotes, because Matt has my name and ip set on Moderation. Which one post took almost all weekend to get approve.
Comment by Oscar Meyer Weiner — February 23, 2011 @ 10:42 am
I live east of 95 in North Carolina, Where little to none LGBT Events happen. yes many times I wish I could attend these events that are held in Raleigh or Durham, I plan to be there and some times live throw a curve ball and I can’t make it.
The last now LGBT Event held in the East where I could attend and did was during the anti-bulling campaign that was held in Rocky Mount.
Appellation, OMW,as the same mind set as Matt at Qnotes,, If you live east of Raleigh you simple don’t exist, this was prove some time back. When Matt stated that we here in the east was a waste of time and resources.
Now they want us to listen and follow Equality NC direction, well letters and email, campaign isn’t really going to work for those whom Representatives are those who co-sign this bill. So other measures must be enacted. One blogger in NC wants to the same type of campaign that Bill is doing in Indiana.
Yes it is true that Equality NC has carry this fight all these years on our behalf, but Now the fight is now here. It’s time for the LGBT Community of NC to do something. A Few years back our local fundies had a rally in Raleigh were they bused hundreds in, Equality NC and others didn’t want us to do a counter-rally, however a small group held one. (this was ignore by Qnotes). Yet when NOM Came To Raleigh the community find the time to out and protest.. So what will it be, we will Rage Rage against for this Plight.
TAKE ACTION: Anti-Gay Amendment Introduced in NC Senate Today
From: Ian Palmquist, Equality NC <>
Subject: TAKE ACTION: Anti-Gay Amendment Filed Today
Yesterday Sen. Jim Forrester filed Senate Bill 106, an anti-LGBT constitutional amendment, and it will be introduced on the Senate floor today.
So far there are a total of 23 sponsors on the bill. I need you to contact your Senator today and ask him or her not to support this mean-spirited, bill.
This is just the beginning of the fight. Take a stand now, before it's too late!
Together, we can stop this attack on LGBT North Carolinians.
For Equality,
Monday, February 21, 2011
Does It Matter?
My parents asked me if I am gay
- I said, "Does it matter?"
- They said, "No, not really."
- I told them, "Yes."
- They said, "Get out of our lives."
- I guess it mattered.
My boss asked me if I am gay.
- I said, "Does it matter?"
- He said, "No, not really."
- I told him, "Yes."
- He said, "You're fired, faggot."
- I guess it mattered.
My friend asked me if I am gay.
- I said, "Does it matter?"
- He said, "No, not really."
- I told him, "Yes."
- He said, "Don't call me your friend."
- I guess it mattered.
My partner asked, "Do you love me?"
- I said, "Does it matter?"
- He said, "Yes."
- I told him, "I love you."
- He said, "Let me hold you in my arms."
- For the first time in my life something matters.
My God asked, "Do you love yourself?"
- I said, "Does it matter?"
- He said, "Yes."
- I asked, "How can I love myself? I am gay."
- He said, "That's the way I made you."
- Nothing again will ever matter.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
WBC STEVE new F-Flag..
Posted on February 20, 2011
by WBCSteve, who claims he not a member of the Phelps clan,no blood relation.
However I bet this sorry S.O.B is hoping to become apart of the family. Maybe he wants to bed Megan Phelps,, This would be the only way she would get a guy…
@WBCSteve: @AnonymousIRC made themselves God's enemies. You seek to harm His church; He repays you to your face
They Claim they are not afraid of Anonymous, but the truth is they know Anonymous has the power to take down their sick all websites. and them.
I can only hope Anonymous attack them soon……
Sunday’s Twitter Posts of interest
Westboro to Hackers: Bring It!: The Westboro Baptist Church has a message for the anonymous group that th...
"Teabaggers demonstrating in WI can thank unions for the fact that they have weekends off to demonstrate in WI." #TeaParty #WIunion
Q: What do you call 10 teabaggers at an orgy? A: Family reunion. #TeaParty #TCOT
Former Marine Testifies In Support Of Gay Marriage, Younger Brother: "As a conservative Republ... #gay, #lgbt
Did you hear about the teabagger who died & left his estate to his widow? She can't touch it until she's 14. #TeaParty #FixedTypo #TCOT
Study: Ecstasy Doesn't Hurt the Brain ... Claims previous research was incomplete. #cheatsheet via @guardiannews
Motor City Pride Fest leaving Ferndale: The Motor City Pride Festival is returning to Detroit,... #gay, #lgbt
Q: What's the difference between UFOs and at teabagger with a college degree? A: UFOs have been spotted. #TeaParty #TCOT #WIunion
#Alaska Board of Regents Adopts #Gay Inclusive Non-Discrimination Policy via @GLAAD #NOH8 #LGBT
Senators Frame Spending Debate as Shutdown Vs. Economic Disaster ($)
Florida Congressmembers Advance AIDS Drugs Funding #lgbt
Friday, February 18, 2011
Anonymous warns the Freaks of WBC
We, the collective super-consciousness known as ANONYMOUS - the Voice of Free Speech & the Advocate of the People - have long heard you issue your venomous statements of hatred, and we have witnessed your flagrant and absurd displays of inimitable bigotry and intolerant fanaticism. We have always regarded you and your ilk as an assembly of graceless sociopaths and maniacal chauvinists & religious zealots, however benign, who act out for the sake of attention & in the name of religion. [snip]
ANONYMOUS cannot abide this behavior any longer. The time for us to be idle spectators in your inhumane treatment of fellow Man has reached its apex, and we shall now be moved to action. Thus, we give you a warning: Cease & desist your protest campaign in the year 2011, return to your homes in Kansas, & close your public Web sites.
Should you ignore this warning, you will meet with the vicious retaliatory arm of ANONYMOUS: We will target your public Websites, and the propaganda & detestable doctrine that you promote will be eradicated; the damage incurred will be irreversible, and neither your institution nor your congregation will ever be able to fully recover. It is in your best interest to comply now, while the option to do so is still being offered, because we will not relent until you cease the conduction & promotion of all your bigoted operations & doctrines.
The warning has been given. What happens from here shall be determined by you.
Today’s Tweets
Gawker’s traffic plummets after re-design.
Maryland's same-sex marriage legislation is on course to final passage
Any D.C.-area LGBT folks who are HUGE Academy Award trivia buffs or host Oscar parties of "legendary" proportions...
Why Most Facebook Marketing Doesn't Work, And More Importantly, What Does (RWW):
Wisconsin protest: Walker says he won't be 'bullied'
NOM goes all "push poll" in Maryland to mask fact that majority of state's voters support marriage equality #Maryland
Thursday, February 17, 2011
>>PREMIER PASSPORT<< "For The Bible Tells Me So"
Time | Monday, February 21 · 7:00pm - 10:00pm |
Location | |
Created By | |
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
FREE Event Party, HIV Education and Testing
Swagg Ball- FREE Event Party, HIV Education and Testing
Please share and forward!
This is a "mini ball" event with competitions across catagories... from "Butch Realness to Vogue Fem!"
Saturday, Feb 19, 2011
8:00 PM - 1:00 AM
City Hotel and Bistro
Greenville, NC
Price- Free!
This is being hosted by a range of local groups and organizations.
Information on the Ball Culture:,___
GSK to Cut Jobs in NC
ABC 11 as confirmed that GSK will be cutting an undetermined numbers of jobs in the Research Triangle Park, as it scales back its neuroscience division.
The pharmaceutical maker reported a 60 percent drop in 2010 profits earlier this month. Since 2007, the company has cut about 22,000 jobs worldwide and reduced its U.S. workforce by about 4,000.Also it will try to buy back some of it own stock by selling off lesser known drug brands..
In addition to slowing sales, the company also paid out billion to settle legal claims related to its controversial diabetes drug Avandia following allegations it increases the risk of heart attacks.
This is more jobs loss for NC, it seem more jobs are leaving the State then coming to it..
So NCGA and Bev Perdue, where are this jobs???
Six year old stabbed in the neck
Just because he was wearing a pink shirt, This would not have been no small incident here in the US…
The newspaper names the boy as Oskar and reports how his liking for pink clothing, ballet and nail polish left him exposed to regular bullying from other boys in his playgroup.
The newspaper reported that he had also complained to his parents that he had been subjected to taunts that he was "gay" and "a girl". He had furthermore complained of being excluded from the group, and having been dragged from a climbing-frame.
The incident last week in which the 6-year-old sustained a noticeable injury to his neck after having been stabbed with a blunt knife was the last straw for the parents, who have now moved their son and reported the matter to the Schools Inspectorate (Skolinspektionen).
The parents were reportedly further angered by the fact that they heard of the incident from their son and not from the staff at the preschool, who described the clash as a "small incident".
"I don't want to have my child at a school which considers a stab with a knife to be a 'small incident'," the boy's mother told Jönköpings-Posten.
Another Hate Crime in NC
This is why we need a Hate Crime Law…
Lets make sure the DA in Case does his/her job..If not lets March on the Court…
A Hickory, North Carolina man called 911 to report that he had murdered his roommate Stephen Starr:
"Anderson is accused of shooting 36-year-old Starr with a shotgun and pistol and also carved a word into Starr’s body."
Starr was found in bed in what law enforcement has described as one of the most gruesome crime scenes they’ve seen in years. Anderson was charged with Starr’s murder Monday afternoon and has his first court appearance Wednesday morning. Anderson called 911 while next to Starr’s body in the master bedroom, with a gun still in his hands, according to the 911 call. Anderson was holding the pistol, Fish said. In the call, Anderson says he took some pills that “made me go mad.” He tells the woman at the communications center that he shot his roommate three times and then used an ax and mutilated his body. “I Od’d on Mucinex DM. Dextromethorphan makes me feel a little weird and I took too many,” Anderson said.
About 4 minutes and 30 seconds into the call, the telecommunicator asks what sparked the attack. Anderson said it was because he was straight, and Starr was gay. According to him, the two met at a gay club. Anderson said he was straight, but went to the club to experiment. “I met him and went to his house and he took me in and I turned straight again. And he wanted to touch me and stuff and I wouldn’t let him, and he kept trying. And I waited until he went to sleep and then I shot him three times. And I mutilated him very badly and I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Oh God, please help me.”
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Why Not Here???
In San Francisco, A group of LGBT couple ask for marriage licenses once again. Where they once had the right, but thanks to Prop8 they no longer do.
This Group stage a sit for this right to be return to them.
As reported by the AP,
The AP reported: "The brief occupation of the county clerk's office provided a new twist on what has become a Valentine's Day ritual in many cities of gay and lesbian couples trying to obtain marriage licenses and being turned down. When the couples sat on the floor and refused to leave, sheriff's deputies led them away in handcuffs. But the protestors all were released 15 minutes later without being cited."
A Group in Ashville, NC join this Rally call, The group met up at the Buncombe County Courthouse, where local same-sex couples applied for marriage licenses, however under NC law their were deny licenses. The Group however did hand out information on marriage equality, and a small protest over the lack of equal rights for the LGBT community.
To March or not to March that is the Question?
Tyler said the process of organizing a national march would trigger more activity in the states than what is currently taking place under the leadership of both state and national LGBT groups.Well M.C. over that InterstateQ thinks this is a bad idea. This is what he claims:
Similarly, no one so far has pointed out any single direct benefit gained from any of our community’s past national marches on Washington. I’m willing to listen and weigh the evidence, but as it stands I know of no victories, successes or changes that came as a direct result of encouraging thousands or even hundreds of thousands to blow hundreds or thousands of dollars in traveling for to the national mall for one day’s worth of chanting and holding signs.Well nothing never came out of these marches on Washington, I would beg the differ. Something always come out these Marches, they may be small changes, or more networking between local and national groups too.
He suggest, that Robin Tyler, if she is truly interest in creating change in this nation, then she support more local equality initiatives, and if she wants a national gathering, she should try attending the next Creating Change Conference. Where she will learn something and meeting new friends and allies, and will get resources to start on equality at home.
I think Matt is forgetting that Ms Tyler has been around much longer then he has. Fighting equality and social justice much longer then He has. However I forgot this is the new era of LGBT where the young think they own the movement…
However, Miss Negative Nancy had this to say as well,
But if education and true motivation to create change is not want you’re really after, then go ahead and plan a national march on Washington. You’ll just spend a day walking and marching and chanting and holding signs. When you go home, you’ll feel really, really good. But you’ll have exactly the same amount of resources you left home with: zero.Then what do we get out of having Pride Marches every year? We walking around, chant, hold signs, buy pride items from vendors, this is sounding like same as a March on DC... to me..
Monday, February 14, 2011
OBX PrideFest Stuff from Craig’s list
You know, I really wonder why gays like to throw pride parades. Is it because they want attention? Basically, when they do shit like this, they are asking to be judged by their sexuality. I think its ignorant that they show pride in their sexuality. If there was a heterosexual pride parade I wouldn't be part of it. I don't want people to judge me by my sexuality. Its actually kind of offensive when guys lump me into that "guy" category and ask me if I'm gonna hit that tonight, in reference to my sweetheart. The wonderful beautiful girl in my life I would do anything for all of the sudden becomes reduced to a thing that I "tap".
I think ignorant indulgence in any sexuality is completely ignorant and shallow. When it comes down to it, I see no reason anybody should know my sexuality, unless I want to form an intimate relationship with them. And I'm taken forever, so fuck it.
If I want people to judge me, I want them to judge me by my ideas, my personality, what I contribute to the world, and how I treat others. Not what I do in bed. Sometimes humanity really really disappoints me.
Reply 1,
Finally a post with thought and not just derogatory statements about homosexuality.
I see your point and agree, but I also understand where their desire for "parade's" and things of that nature come from. In a perfect world, they shouldn't have any reason to display their sexuality, with parade's or any other measure. We're far from a perfect world, and I don't think it's so much that they want to be judged by their sexuality as much as they feel they are already judged by their sexuality, If this board is any indication, they are right.
So it's kind of like "you want to judge me by that . . .well here it is" kind of thing. I know people that are gay, and they don't flaunt it (as far as I know), they really just want to be treated equally.
I would go out on a limb and bet that if they were treated with equal respect, they wouldn't be having these parade's and such, but that's just my opinion.
Having said that I understand where it comes from, I agree that it won't further their cause much if any. The only thing that will improve equality in my opinion is waiting for society to catch up. I think we can all agree that homosexuality isn't going away like some disease, but it will take some societies and cultures longer than others to come to accept it. . . .time!
another reply
As a gay man, I actually tend to agree somewhat with your opinion. While I understand why people want be "proud" of who they are, and I understand that most "Pride" festivals are events designed to show that "pride", I have never understood why who one sleeps with is a primary source of "pride". Even as a gay man, I am often offended by those who find it necessary to flaunt their sexuality with stereotypical "acting". So many effeminate gay men I have met are just acting and forcing mannerisms, often for shock value - how outrageous can I be.
I dare not say I am "straight acting" as that too implies acting. I "fly under the radar" and unless I'm in the company of other gay men, no one would know I was gay and even then I am usually considered "not gay enough". I am not ashamed to be gay but nor do I feel compelled to "act" gay. But being gay to me only speaks to who I sleep with, not my entire existance. I am not immersed in "gay culture" as I find it to be rather shallow and limiting.
The fact that I am gay is secondary to who I am as a person. I have had a wonderful partner in my life for 15 years and while we do enjoy being in the company of like-minded people with shared interests, we are not comfortable with "look at me, I'm gay" types as their primary view of their self-worth.
Outer Banks Pride, Baptist Church is Outrage, Not Surprising.
The co-founder of the Group that is planning the event said they are not move by the intimidated coming from Pastor Charles Tyler of a Local Baptist Church, whom claim this event is to Corrupt the local Children of the Outer Banks.
There is no Parade, just fun in the sun, with open-mind folks, enjoying the beauty of the Outer Banks.
There will be Day time events for the whole family, while there are a few evening events aim for Adults only.
"We're just slowly trying to change those attitudes so that these folks coming to the Outer Banks won't get dirty looks from people," Miller said.
The Event is set for sunny June of 2011.
"I think people that write anonymous crap like that are chickens," said Nags Head Mayor Bob Oakes, whose Village Realty is a sponsor of the event.For more on this event Click here
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Comments to a Blogger’s Post
If one chose to write about state politics and budgets problems, they must accept that someone else’s view will not be the same as theirs. The think otherwise would be completely stupid and wishful thinking.
Recently a young blogger, who hails for Charlotte NC, wrote a nice piece about the current budget issue that NC faces. Title “Still no jobs, but no anti-gay legislation either.” Now I’m glad that NC Legislature doesn’t have any anti-gay bill as of yet. Yet, the cuts they are planning are just unbelievable to me and I’m sure to many other.
Blogger said this,
Week three of the North Carolina General Assembly’s 2011 session is coming to a close. Though GOP leadership has allowed plenty of attacks on the poor, communities of color and immigrant communities, they’ve not yet touched the LGBT community.
Ok, this is not much of a surprise that the poor get screwed every time when a state has to redo their budgets. For many, this is common place and is to be expected.
I made the following comment.
Sorry but the Governor isn’t doing enough, I see that you didn’t say anything about the big budget cut on Education by 1.3 billion…
“Sometimes you just have to wonder if the U.S. educational system is really even as good as our already, abysmally-low international rankings”
Budget cuts is one reason why we are ranking so low in education,
However it’s nice to know Bev Perdue might not win in the next election, as a Dem Governor she the worst.
I was trying to point out that they plan a huge cut the education, and I was wondering why he didn’t mention this.
Here is he reply,
Sick, I’m tired of your negativity. Since this is my personal blog and I alone get to set the rules (though I have tried to be pretty fair when it comes to commenting), I’m giving you just one more chance to try some positivity. Anymore negative and/or cynical comments from you will not be posted. Consider this fair warning.
Now I can only guess my comment about our so-called Governor is what really pissed him off. Just be she is a Democrat, does mean that she is the best for NC, this is my opinion.
However, he also gave me a warning too. So I did reply to his comment,
so I point out how you left out the attack by Gop NC body of the legislature planning to cut education out by 1.3 billion and that Gov is a hack, and you think this is being negative, MMMM fine whatever,
Since this will no doubt be my last post on this blog of yours, why didn’t you mention the Education budget cuts since that affects everyone,
You need to pull you head out of @#$%^&* and see that if you want to keep a group down and oppress limiting the amount of education that they can get
I should point out that at the time of writing this post he hasn't approved it.. I left out the off the following “will do just that.”
I will agree that lately I have become very cynical and critical of my community. I feel that we have lost who and what we truly are. In order to please those who will donate money to our organizations and cause. We are allowing them to set the stage for all to play by. This is wrong, period. Those that won’t play by their rules are casted out like yesterday’s newspapers. We are using tactics that we normal would never use in the past.
He wrote that he was Glad over this,
By all means, I’m not happy about the GOP’s unfulfilled promises on jobs (I just wonder how many of those voters who chose them are even paying attention), but I’m phenomenally thankful we haven’t yet been forced to deal with any anti-LGBT legislation. That doesn’t mean it’s not coming, and we have only the good and hard work of groups like Equality North Carolina and their allies to thank
I glad too that they haven’t push to have the anti-marriage bill for a vote too. However, I do see that in our future, like right after the budget is signed by the Governor, then watch how many of those anti-bills will pop up. I also have lost all faith in Equality NC, ever since the Fruit-loop event.
TOLERANCE WEEK 2011: Evening Program
Time | |
Location | South Central High School Auditorium 570 W. Forlines Rd |
Created By | |
More Info | "We need to promote greater tolerance and understanding among the peoples of the world. Nothing can be more dangerous to our efforts to build peace and development than a world divided along religious, ethnic or cultural lines. In each nation, and among all nations, we must work to promote unity based on our shared humanity." |
HK on J March Raleigh Tweets post 3
We cannot stop fighting for the racial justice act, we cannot leave these brothers and sisters imprisoned for crimes they didn't commit!
Happy Birthday @NAACP! 102 years strong! Special shout out to all those at #HKonJ #HKonJ5. Stand up, Be heard!
What would you do: 19 yrs in prison, 1 vote away from death penalty, for a crime you didn't commit? #RacialJusticeAct #HKonJ
Thrilled to see so many of our friends at HKonJ this morning! #ncpol #hkonj
#HKonJ so great to hear from Darryl Hunt, found innocent on grounds of Racial Justice Act
Phyllis Coley from Spectacular Magazine in #Durham speaking now. Exhorts media to "tell story right." Proud to have been on her show #hkonj
The people united will never be defeated! #HKonJ Egypt and Tunisia are proof for any doubters out there
Erin Byrd + member of NC HEAT leading chants now at #hkonj
"You have a responsibility. If you're not going to tell the story right, don't tell it at all." Advice to #NC media... #imjustsaying
Text "NCNAACP" to 46988 to stay connected. The people, united, will never be defeated! El Pueblo, unido, jamas sera vencido! #HKonJ @naacp
Thx! RT @RightsWorking: Awesome bilingual speech @NCDREAMTeam Rev Barber: Civil rights, immigration rights all go together! #hkonj #immyouth
Speakers are calling us to support the #StandUp4NC campaign! Make a video, take a picture, help stop brutal budget cuts! #hkonj
My 3rd #hkonj has been the largest, most powerful, inspirational + effective. Great combo of speeches, organizing, vision.
Gene Nichol of UNC Poverty Center (and JC board member) on stage now, supporting anti-poverty conference #hkonj
Rev. Barber's closing speech: "We don't have to hate anybody or use vitriolic language. Truth is enough." #hkonj
Rev. Barber's closing speech: the crowd all holds hands and raises them in the air. Powerful. #hkonj
HK on J March Raleigh Tweets post 2
The excellent corporate puppet by @democracync at #hkonj
George Reed of NC Council of Churches speaking against "sin of resegregation." "Diversity in schools
benefits all children." #hkonj
Seth from NC HEAT representing the youth of Wake County, fighting for the diversity policy. Breaking up Wake's policy hurts ALL students!
RT @NCStateAFLCIO: NOW: #HKonJ Cary High School Student, "Diversity feeds the mind and the soul." #justice #workers #education #people
For the School Board to break up the diversity policy, is to spit in the faces of students they are supposed to serve #WakeBoardOfEd #HKonJ
Someone is sleeping, when we think that closing HBCUs, disenfranchising the futures of our children- North Carolina: WAKE UP! #HKonJ
Rev. Barber: youth should not just be the leaders of tomorrow, but the leaders of today. #hkonj
RT @stefbrown33: "When school boards vote to resegregate they spit in the faces of those they were elected to serve!" #HKonJ
North Carolina is sometimes known as the rip van winkle state ... we gotta wake up." #hkonj
Education refrom. Budget cut. Hot topics at #HKonJ
"Our children are playing, but our parents are sleeping." #hkonj
#HKonJ metaphorically speaking - the children are playing while the parents are sleeping...there remains a breach in the wall
Democracy NC speaking now about the Voter Suppression Act, aka Voter ID, aka "spend $20 million to stop ppl from voting." #hkonj #ncpol
#HKonJ with @BenJealous, @KirinKennedy, @j_lu2010 & @JeffsNation!
Of course I have bowtie on RT @NvrComfortable: Me, @philosopher1906 and @donaldhughes at #HKonJ!
NOW: #HKonJ Cary High School Student, "Diversity feeds the mind and the soul." #justice #workers #education #people #power
RT@ncjustice I really appreciate the representation of such diverse groups at #hkonj
President of the @NAACP @benjealous At #HKonJ
Gov Perdue if its wrong veto it!! - Rev. Barber NC NAACP Pres @ #HKonJ
Ben Jealous of NAACP reminds us interracial marriage is only about 40 years away from being illegal. "Let love carry us forward." #hkonj
We are still fighting the old Jim Crow, sometimes it looks like the new Jim Crow. Just look at Halifax County, #NC #HKonJ
Ben Jealous of the NAACP is here....#hkonj
If you think that neighborhood schools sounds like a good idea, you're saying Separate but Equal sounds like a good idea #HKonJ
I appreciate the speakers today including #Egypt's revolution as they preach, speak and teach! #HKonJ
NOW: #HKonJ Ben Jealous, NAACP, "Today day the spirit of #democracy flew from Egypt to America." #justice #people #power #solidarity
#HKonJ Why must we be reminded these basic american values "ONE nation with liberty and justice for all"
HK on J March Raleigh Tweets
Images of #hkonj
#dreamact activists represent at #hkonj @NCDREAMTeam @thejval
Jones street: we're coming, and we won't stand for resegregation, inequality, or injustice. #FWYH
NAACP says: great schools now! A mom and son with their sign. #hkonj
Fired up!!! Ready to go!!! #undocumented, #unafraid, #unapologetic, in the STREETS! #FWYH
The march begins with youth behind the hkonj banner! #hkonj
Great sign: we need living wages, not minimum wages. #hkonj
NAACP and others March on Raleigh: RALEIGH (WTVD) -- Thousands filled the streets of downtown Raleigh on Saturda...
Crowd streams through streets at #hkonj ... Looks bigger than last year
NAACP and others March on Raleigh
The theme for this year's event was "Forward Ever, Backwards Never."
Members of the NAACP and representatives from 90 various organizations came together to address issues ranging from diversity in Wake County schools to worker's rights, jobs and the justice system.
Tweet from NcJustice Photo credit to the NC Justice,
Crowd begins to gather for #hkonj ... Hundreds here already.
even the Dream Act its there.
Photo credit: #dreamact activists represent at #hkonj @NCDREAMTeam @thejval
Friday, February 11, 2011
Today’s Quote
Jesse Helms and Newt Gingrich were shaking hands congratulating themselves on the introduction of an antigay bill in Congress. If it passes, they won't be able to shake hands, because it will then be illegal for a prick to touch an asshole.
Judy Carte
After two days of debate, the chamber barely passed the measure, 391-28...a real squeaker. Some Democrats had voiced concerns that the vote was unnecessary, as each committee has the agency to undertake the investigations themselves. All 28 "nay" votes were from Democrats, the rest (142) voted for the bill. [The Hill]
Items from Youtube
Snow Explodes As Semi Passes Under Bridge
Craigslist Congressman Sex Scandal Resignation
Texas Police Fine Bullied Girl In School
The case of the 'Tarnished Tiara' in San Antonio
Gay Inc., Wants all LGBT OUT OF the CLOSET
Yes this is their plan, to force every LGBT out of the closet. What every happen to each their own, and Live and let Live.
Gay Inc., and the Country Club Spoke person, (was once) Sent this Tweet,
So where is the massive Coming out party…
Corbin Fisher hopes to make $5.2 billion
yes Corbin Fisher,who brings use fake str8-gays porn is planning to sue 35, 000 people for illegally downloading his cheat ass porn.
he is going to sue them for $150,000 each with equals to $5.2billion, which he would never earn any other way. I guess the fake str8 boys don’t know how to play str8.. sells must be down, online subscribers must be down as well.
However the Lawyer if he charge 35% will get .1.8 billion.. then again when you pay these so-called str8 guys $XXX,XXX per project, no wonder you get your lawyer to find a new cash cow for your business
Why don’t CF just protect their porn with DRM.
Todays Twitter Posts of Interest
Colorado: officer resigns - posted hundreds of racist,homophobic comments on news sites on the job (no more free speech)
Mubarak Resigns, Hands Power To Military: Egypt's vice president says Hosni Mubarak has resigned as president an...
Dan Choi's New CPAC Drag (yet, he not a media whore)
Palm Springs' New Gay-Oriented Mega Community Boom Throws Its Arms Open To Heteros
New Planned Community Designed With Gays In Mind
White Supremacists Exhibit at CPAC: Gay conservative group GOProud's participation in the CPAC conference ...
Southern regional conference to resist FBI and Grand Jury repression of the anti-war movement
Why is the FBI Interested in the anti-war movement?
Twenty-three activists have grand jury subpoenas. Who will be next?
Join us for an important conference
Saturday, Feb 19, 9:45 am - 5:00 pm, UNC Law School, Room 5052, 160 Ridge Rd., Chapel Hill.
Stop FBI Repression conference addresses this threat with speakers, panels, discussion. Panel discussions on the history of FBI repression in the South; grand jury repression and prosecutions under the “material support of terrorism” law; the political and legal context for the September 24 raids on antiwar and solidarity activists; and organizing reports from activists in the South working to stop political repression.
For more info. call 919-360-6367, or see
Please register at Pre-registration is appreciated but not necessary.
Parking information:
Sponsors of this conference include:
ACLU of North Carolina
Asheville Committee to Stop FBI Repression
Atlanta International Action Center
Balance & Accuracy in Journalism (BAJ)
Blackwater Watch
Durham Bill of Rights Defense Committee
Durham County Libertarian Party
Green Party of the US
Internationalist Books
Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD-USA)
Jews for a Just Peace
Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation
National Lawyers Guild at UNC Chapel Hill
NC Stop Torture Now
North Carolina Peace Action
Orange County Bill of Rights Defense Committee
Orange County Peace Coalition
Peace and Justice Committee, Community Church of Chapel Hill UU
Raleigh F.I.S.T.
Raleigh Fruitcakes
SDS - Asheville
SDS - Tuscaloosa
SDS - UNC Chapel Hill
Southern Anti-Racism Network
Triangle Committee to Stop FBI Repression
UE Local 150
US Human Rights Network
Veterans for Peace, Eisenhower Chapter
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom--Triangle Branch
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Why did Jeremy of Goodasyou Delete a Facebook Wall comment????
to see the fund-raiser flier click here please,
Now this NON- Profit, may not raise the money they need to help the local Teens in the Cary, Raleigh-Durham Area..
Also to the members of the Country Club and Gay, Inc. what are you going to do about???
Gay Inc., Chick-Fil-A Controversy will affect a local Non Profit..
- Listens when you're in crisis
- Is confidential
- Is non-judgmental
We listen when you
- are sad
- are worried
- feel suicidal
- have a decision to make
- are angry
- feel frustrated
- feel there is no one else you can turn to
Mission Statement
HopeLine is a family of confidential services offering caring, non-judgmental listening and resource information in an effort to improve the overall well-being of people in the community.Hope Line joined with Chick-Fil-A for a fund raiser to raise money to help stop Teen Suicide and to help teen with other issues.
However this year event may not be as good for them, simply because of Jeremy Hooper @ goodasyou blog site.
Yes prissy ass, self entitle faggot, got his tight y whities in a bunch, over the fact that another private own Chick-Fil-A franchise, was helping out another group, whom just happen to anti-samesexmarriage. Jeremy on the Behalf of Gay Inc., start this Controversy. Now the Hopeline just might paid the price for it.
So who is Jeremy Hooper,
From what I gather from this video about Jeremy, his story is that he is rejected and abandoned by his family for being homosexual. As a result of that, he takes out his hurt on the world by writing against all pro-family people. He obsesses with what the “anti-gay” crowd says. Well, except for me – well, except today, he did write this long post to garner sympathy for himself and his eternal state of victim hood.Boy, don’t he know how to play the victim card, Such a Victim, who live in
Manhattan, NY with his His husband, who's Wedding was in Martha Steward mag, Yet a victim.
Going by his FB page he works as blogger, I can only guess he plays the stay at home wifey and his BF is the bread winner in the house.. MMM must be nice to be a kept boy… with a gold ring…
I think Jeremy should make a donation to help the Helpline, since he is the main cause why they may not get as much as they might had if he didn’t attack Chick-Fil-A for Gay INC.,
Children should't be subject to life long medical choices
Very interesting statement, which I'm sure the #transinc community will claim to be Transphobic.. in natural. There is nothing bias ...
From Big Gay News Some Purdue University students have called for a faculty member to be fired after he posted comments online urging ...
Now she's speaking out about it: “There are such bigger problems… and then you've got organisations like GLAAD [Gay And Lesbian Alli...
So just who was the this female (dyke bitch) who bully a Trans-gender person over a flag at the SCOTUS rally last week, Her name is Karin Q...