We need to stop crying discrimination at every chance we get.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
SNT: California Insemination
We need to stop crying discrimination at every chance we get.
SNT: Sending Inappropriate IMs to Boys in DC and FL is OK...
SNT: Stop Pushing the “Gay Agenda” Down Peoples Throats
Dear Editor,
One of your columnists, a proponent of homosexual “marriage,” compares a former ban on interracial marriage to Proposition 8.
There is no comparison (homosexuality is not a race), but leave it to the extreme left to play the race card. I’m surprised Hitler wasn’t mentioned. Marriage is not a right, it is a privilege. You have to get a license (the government’s permission) to marry.
Much like the abortion issue, this is a temporary court decree. Civil (as opposed to religious) marriage is what the people recognize. The people clearly voted against it (Proposition 22). Much like the lie known as “separation of church and state,” there is nothing in the Constitution about it; it was read into the Constitution by an activist court.
Had the homosexual movement been more respectful of private entities, adopting a more Libertarian and less socialist stance, people may not be so supportive of Prop. 8, or at least not so vocally. But for their lack of respect for private organizations, the gay agenda deserves every setback it gets.
It’s one thing to live and let live; it’s quite another to force such a “lifestyle” on society. They’re even trying to force it into the curriculum of public school textbooks! Vote YES on 8. Keep marriage as it should be, and thumb your nose at the activist court.
SNT: He help to digg the hole, now he is try to cover it....
SNT: Chris Crocker Back on Youtube..
SNT: Another Mr Gay Contest
The Contest categories are: 1) Jock (defined as, but not limited to, someone who is : athletic, or played or currently plays a sport and/or has a passion for sport(s); 2) Muscle Stud (defined as, but not limited to, someone who attends a gym, or actively works on their body’s tone, or a weight lifter; 3) Boy Next Door (defined as, but not limited to, someone who is: nice, approachable, stylish and just plain cute and one of the guys; 4) Silver Fox (defined as, but not limited to, someone who may have grey hair, is over 30 years old and is: elegant, stylish, charming, and/or sexy; and 5) Community Leader (defined as, but not limited to, someone who is: professionally committed and/or voluntarily dedicated to a specific cause that helps others (or a one single person) directly or indirectly. Important: Only the first fifty (50) eligible entries will be accepted per Contest category. All entries received after the first fifty (50) will be automatically disqualified.
- Photos must be of the contestant only and no other persons may appear in the photos.
- Content cannot be sexually explicit or suggestive, or derogatory of any ethnic, racial, gender, religious, professional or age group, profane or pornographic, or contain nudity;
- Content cannot promote alcohol, illegal drugs, tobacco, firearms/weapons (or the use of any of the foregoing), any activities that may appear unsafe or dangerous, or any particular political agenda or message;
- Content cannot defame, misrepresent or contain disparaging remarks about other people or companies;
- Content cannot contain trademarks, logos or trade dress (such as distinctive packaging or building exteriors/interiors) owned by others, or advertise or promote any brand or product of any kind, or contain any personal identification, such as license plate numbers, personal names, e-mail addresses or street addresses;
- Content cannot contain copyrighted materials owned by others (including photographs, sculptures, paintings and other works of art or images published on or in websites, television, movies or other media);
- Content cannot contain materials embodying the names, likenesses, photographs, or other indicia identifying any person, living or dead;
- Content cannot communicate messages or images inconsistent with the positive images and/or goodwill to which Sponsor wishes to associate; and
- Content cannot depict and cannot itself be in violation of any law or otherwise.
A background check may be conducted on potential winners. At the discretion of the Sponsor, a Finalist and/or winner may be disqualified for any of the following: if charged with or convicted of a felony or misdemeanor, is not eligible based on the eligibility requirements set forth above, or if delinquent on a government ordered payment, such as but not limited to: tax payments, etc.
Monday, September 29, 2008
SNT: Straight model sues gay magazine Genre over 'vulgar' photo
I love this quote from Kenneth (212);The hunky model with eight-pack abs is suing a gay men's magazine and a Manhattan fashion photographer for bringing him unwanted male attention by publishing a "cruel and vulgar" picture of him nearly in the buff.
The sizzling snapshot listed his first name, where he lives and provided viewers an online avenue to reach Massing - subjecting him, the lawsuit says, to advances from strangers who "solicit him for homosexual sex."
The invasion of privacy suit, filed in Manhattan Supreme Court, says Massing wanted the pictures for his portfolio - and never expected Day to peddle them to a magazine that made him look "lustful and sexually promiscuous."
Maybe if "straight" model Benjamin Massing didn't go around yanking on his skimpy undies with those bedroom eyes then the "gays" wouldn't be so inclined to make him seem so "lustful and sexually promiscuous." Read the full story HERE. (Bottom line: did he sign a release or not?) And believe me, this is real. I once had a douche bag of a model demand that a photographer who had given me pics he had taken of him get me to take them down. You know what a stigma homosexuality is in the fashion industry ...Its funny that you don't hear gay models complainting when they have to photo shoot with women, ruining thier careers, so you. I think this is just a PR stunt, also if he signed a release without reading the fine print then its his fault. However I personally don't think those photos harmed his career, I wonder how many job he got after those photos were published...
here is something to read about contracts
What should a Model Release form include and what should beemphasized in it, in order to defend the model's rights?
Models, especially when they are just starting out, often feel intimidated. They fear that if they question the slightest thing in a model release, they will not get the job, more work, or be branded as being trouble. The problem is, if a model simply signs whatever she is given to sign, it will almost certainly favor the photographer and the client and take away almost every right a model may have to prevent the photos of her from being misused.
While it is true that a photographer needs some leeway, if you give an unscrupulous photographer the right to do anything he or she may conceive of doing with their photos of you, they may just use them in a very offensive way, and there is little a model can do to know what is in the mind or heart of a photographer he or she has just met.
Models who are just starting out rarely have confidence in any clout they may have. However, if the client or the photographer has selected you from all the other models they could have chosen, you may have more clout than you realize. And if you are willing to sign away every right you have in your images, you are in the wrong business to begin with.
People will tell you that only as you become more in demand that you can demand your fees for only certain uses of your images and allow their use for a limited amount of time. But it is at the very start of your career that you are most vulnerable to having your images being misused and if they are misused, you may find your career ending before it’s begun. Be prepared to see this type of term in a model release, and to either run from the building, have it altered, or accept the consequences that may result from agreeing to: “I hereby release, discharge and save harmless the photographer or any other person distributing the finished product, even if the finished product is distorted, blurred, altered or used in such a way, intentionally or otherwise, or used in any manner such as to subject me to scandal, scorn, indignity or ridicule and waive any right to approve any use of the finished photograph or its use.”
On the other hand, a photographer must be allowed to enlarge a negative, manipulate the photograph, convert it to digital form, use Photoshop or other software to enhance the quality of the photograph. While it is difficult to obtain the right to approve the uses of the photographs taken of you, you can limit the uses by excluding those uses that would be harmful to your career or reputation. If you want to prevent a photographer from using the photographs in such a manner, seek a provision that in the event of intentional humiliation of you in the use of the photos by the photographer, the release will be void. Some models who are unsuccessful obtaining such provisions will at least write restrictions in the margins of releases such as, “Photos may not be used on sexually explicit web sites or pornographic materials.” Be wary of allowing any use in the release and then limiting those uses only in a separate waiver of copyright. Conflicting provisions are a nightmare for the courts to weigh.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
WTF: Photographer Fined for Refusing to Shoot Commitment Ceremony
This person said it best:
This is wrong!! Where did we get the idea that we can force people to work for us even if they find what we are forcing someone to do objectionable? What's next? Will it be forcing a clergyperson to perform our domestic/marriage unions? This is a private business, not a government tax payers service. This is the wrong path and I really hope that the judgment in this case gets overturned. Wrong-headed is wrong-headed.
Ron, Bryan, Texas
I can only guess Vanessa Willock is not more than a sorry ass dyke who at the time of her sorry ass commitment ceremony needed more money. This is why many straights hate us. The dumb ass judge should have never allowed this to go to trial.
These dyke is need a life…
Some info on this bitch
Vanessa Willock
has been with UNM since 1997 and is currently an EEO Compliance Representative with the Office of Equal Opportunity where she investigates claims of discrimination and sexual harassment. Ms. Willock earned a Bachelors of Business Administration from UNM in 1989 and a Juris Doctor from the University of Colorado in 1994. She was previously an attorney with an Albuquerque law firm specializing in insurance defense matters and is a certified mediator.
From the site of box turtle bulletin:
The Decision and Final Order of the Human Rights Commission lays out the facts leading to the determination.
Vanessa Willock sent to Elane Photography the following e-mail on September 21, 2006, a year in advance of her ceremony.
We are researching potential photographers for our commitment ceremony on September 15, 2007 in Taos, NM.
This is a same-gender ceremony. If you are open to helping us celebrate our day we'd like to receive pricing information.
ThanksElaine Huguenin responded
Hello Vanessa,Willock wrote again
As a company, we photograph traditional weddings, engagements, seniors, and several other things such as political photographs and singer's portfolios.
Hi Elaine,Huguenin in conclusion
Thanks for your response below of September 21, 2006. I'm a bit confused, however, by the wording of your response. Are you saying that your company does not offer your photography services to same-sex couples?
Hello Vanessa,In November 2006 Willock's partner, Misty Collinsworth, contacted Huguenin and - without mentioning the sex of the partners - inquired about services. Huguenin responded enthusiastically and sought to follow up.
Sorry if our last response was a confusing one. Yes, you are correct in saying we do not photograph same-sex weddings, but again, thanks for checking out our site!
Have a great day.
On December 20, 2006, Willock filed a charge of discrimination against Elane Photography.
The decision included two questions: did discrimination occur based on sexual orientation, and was Elane Photography a public accommodation. The commission found the answer to both questions to be in the affirmative.
Elane's attorneys argued that Ms. Huguenin's religious convictions provided exclusion to the New Mexico Human Rights Act. The commission found that questions of the constitutionality of the NMHRA was "not before the New Mexico Human Rights Commission for determination in this proceeding and, accordingly, are not addressed here.
Then there is this:
Willock filed a complaint, and at the hearing she explained how she felt."A variety of emotions," she said, holding back tears. "There was a shock and anger and fear. . . . We were planning a very happy day for us, and we're being met with hatred. That's how it felt."
WE are tired that the others try to force us to comply with their ways, and here we are doing the fucking same. I can only hope that Willock and her bitch break up very soon..
Saturday, September 27, 2008
SNT: The Advocate write John Cloud had piss me off..
So I guess to be gay in today's world there are a list of things that we must do to be consider GAY.Ambrose Bierce called money "an evidence of culture." He was kidding, sort of -- joking, as he often did, about the airs of the rich and cultured. (He also called money "a passport to polite society.") But at some basic level, money is surely evidence of culture; in the sense that the items we value enough to purchase help define who we are. So if we can agree that there is a gay culture, there should be testimony to it in our spending habits. Just look at the ads in this magazine. They lead to another question: With the economy the way it is, can any of us afford to be gay?
- The most important one is you must like the same sex.
- You must be a great looking
- You must be able to dance
- You must volunteer
- You must be an activists to some degree
- And now it seems that you must be rich
So what do I have?
I have a decent job; have some money to do what I want to do. I do own my car flat out and the biggest thing is that I own my home, that is rights; no payment each month. When I brought my home a year ago it was paid in full the day my partner and I signed the paperwork. I feel I made a good deal the house was built in 1910, in very good shape, it was on the market for four years during that time it was broken into and some damage was done. I got my place well below the market value.
So does the fact that I can't afford the said mention things make me less gay? If so they we are nothing more than a group of sorry ass men and women would are not happy unless we can out do the straights. And if this is the case, then you can have my fucking faggot membership card now.
Friday, September 26, 2008
SNT: Tired of hearing about Slavery, It’s old hat get over it.
COLUMBIA -- The South Carolina and North Carolina chapters of the NAACP called the Confederate flag that flies on Statehouse grounds here a symbol of evil and terrorism and said Monday they will join in their efforts to remove it.Oh boy isn't this a new shot to get a flag removed, all you have to claim now that is a symbol of terrorism, what a bunch of crap..
"As long as this flag blows, it pushes a foul wind of separatism, division and racism that is not contained by the borders of South Carolina," said the Rev. William Barber, president of the North Carolina NAACP. The two chapters of the organization used the anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation to announce new efforts.Face it, slavery was in the past, it is time to let it go, there is not one living people who can claim they were a slave.
The battle flag was moved to its current location near the Confederate Soldiers Memorial on the north side of the Statehouse in 2000 as a result of a legislative compromise to take it off the Statehouse dome. The NAACP has protested its location ever since and organized a tourism and travel boycott of the state.It seem no matter what they do will not please the NAACP or others on this topic. Since the Flag is now flying at the CSM on the north size the matter should be close.
Barber said the battle flag is wrong morally "because it supported the evils of slavery."So I guess the south can't have symbols of their past display. If so then there should be no MLK, and MLK JR streets, avenues or lane in any city or town in the south. There should be a national Holiday for his birthday either.
"We wouldn't allow al-Qaida to fly their flag," he said. "We wouldn't allow the Bloods and the Crips to fly their flag. We wouldn't allow another country to fly its flag. We should not allow that which represents terrorism and secession to be flown."We do allow another country to flies their flag; I can only guess that many haven't been the UN. Where there is a flag for every Nation there that Fly every day. And the Park Plaza fly a nation fly of those foreign diplomat have are visiting and staying at the Park Plaza.
Slavery has existed, in one form or another, through the whole of recorded human history — as have, in various periods, movements to free large or distinct groups of slaves. According to the Biblical Book of Exodus, Moses led Israelite slaves out of ancient Egypt — possibly the first written account of a movement to free slaves. Later Jewish laws (known as Halacha) prevented slaves from being sold out of the Land of Israel, and allowed a slave to move to Israel if he so desired. The Cyrus Cylinder, inscribed about 539 BC by the order of Cyrus the Great of Persia, abolished slavery and allowed Jews and other nationalities who had been enslaved under Babylonian rule to return to their native lands. Abolitionism should be distinguished from efforts to help a particular group of slaves, or to restrict one practice, such as the slave trade.
So blacks (African, and African American) weren't the only group to be enslaved at some point and time in our history. It's old hat and time to move on.
Bill O'Reilly the ugly snake in the grass
I love this one, the shut up clips.....
Bill O"Reilly need to get a fucking life.
Reilly goes nut about gay Dumbledore
Reilly attacks 9/11 victim's son
Fox attacks Decenc with Bill leading the way
bill gettign mad and acting like a fucking baby. Mommy I can't get my shot some big bad man is in my way, Mommie mommie
Bill you need to get a fucking life and move on, you fucking asshole from hell.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
SNT: WTF, How about show that show us as we are in our community
New Bravo Reality Show About Fag Hags!Ok really now, what the fuck does Bravo think they are doing? I would love to see them do a show about our community as a whole. Show us as everyday people who faces and deal with everyday life. Show our inaction with other gays and lesbians. Show how we handle our crisis and families rejections. Show us on our ground fighting for our rights. Show how our volunteerism raises us far above straight society. Show us raising our kids, and let our children then America how their families are just as important as any straight family.
Posted by Michael Musto at 1:31 AM, September 25, 2008
I just got wind of a new reality show Bravo is currently casting around town. It's all about fag hags, or as they're more properly called, Girls Who Like Boys Who Like Boys. That happens to be the name of the show and it's also the title of the compilation book it's based on. (As fagelah fate would have it, I happen to have written an essay in it. It's about how my BFFs were always women, and not just because the guys never wanted me on their team, as it were.)
Anyway, the show is about real life Will & Grace-type duos consisting of a male gay and a female gay-lover. So if you're a boy who likes boys and you're inseparable from a girl who likes boys who like boys, then this is your chance to be a major TV star and be watched by lots of boys and girls who like girls who like boys who like boys. Oy.
Tell you want if bravo wants to film a true reality show, then brave should film congress….
SNT: Bitch session From FL..
Why is it that in our large LGBT community here in South Florida we can find time to run to a bar for happy hour, but can't find five minutes to vote especially against anti LGBT Amendment 2?Its easy because there are no go go boys there for them to rub up against. Then again if the there was so hot nude male staffer there that might help. You forget all our community want is sex and that is what sells.
SNT: NYPD Taser Death Sparks Outrage In Bed-Stuy
BROOKLYN (CBS) ― Racquel McDonald was standing on Tomkins Avenue in Bedford Stuyvesant, unknowingly recording the last moments of Iam Morales' life on her cell phone.
Dozens of people witnessed it, too. Some were taking photos of Morales as he jumped up and down on top of a 10-foot high roll-down gate, swinging a florescent light bulb around and poking officers standing on a nearby fire escape.
An officer on the ground then raised his Taser gun and fired a 50,000-volt shock, immobilizing him.
"He wasn't hurting anybody. They could have just grabbed him and bring him down but they Tasered him instead and he fell to his death and it was real wrong," McDonald said.
Added a witness named "Kyle:" "The man was isolated for minute … and then he just fell to the floor. They had about eight cops that could've break the fall. They just moved back."
Witnesses said police did nothing to break Morales' fall, and his mother was standing just a few yards away. She was the one who called police, according to family friends, because 35-year-old Morales had a chemical imbalance and she believed he was suffering from a bad reaction to new medication.
"The mother was screaming, 'He's gonna fall!' And they said, 'Step back.' They wouldn't allow the mother to talk to him," witness Charlene Gayle-Gordon said.
Added witness Kirk Giddings: "He was there cracking jokes, posing for the cops and everything. The man wasn't a threat to nobody but himself."
Morales later died at Kings County Hospital. Community Activists are now calling on the city to investigate.
"We're not holding the whole NYC police department at fault, but we are questioning the actions of the supervisor of the Emergency Service Unit who took and who shot this young man, not one time but twice," Sharonnie Perry said.
The community wants to know if the officers here followed proper protocol. Police said they are still investigating.
Thousands of New York City police sergeants began carrying Tasers on their belts this year.
The pistol-shaped weapons fire barbs up to 35 feet and deliver 50,000-volt shocks to immobilize people.
Once again the cops kill an innocent man, all in the name of justice. These stupid pigs need to know just because they are cop doesn't make them above the law. When will they learn they are to serve and protect, not the kill when they feel like it.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
SNT: GLAAD GOOD OR BAD for the community
From the Glaad blog,
"We congratulate Clay for making this decision and for setting an example for others and his family," says GLAAD President Neil G. Giuliano. "As we're seeing, more and more gay people, including celebrities, are living openly and honestly, and this has tremendous impact in terms of creating awareness, understanding and acceptance."
This is why I can't stand GLAAD; they will flip from any actor or actress who comes out after years of denial and bashing us. At times I wonder if Glaad does anything at all for our community. Example,
If a certain actor (Tom Cruise) was to come out tomorrow, after years and many lawsuits confirming that he wasn't gay. Glaad would welcome him with open arms. Glaad would bend over backwards to get him to host dinner and Galas for them. They would use this news to fatten their pocket books and membership and sponsorship.
Here is something else that bothers me:
"Glaad shapes the national media coverage of Grey's Anatomy cast member Isaiah Washington's repeated use of the "f word." After Washington publicly apologizes for his remarks, GLAAD partners with GLSEN to work with Washington on an ABC-produced public service announcement (PSA) about the power of words to demean a person. The PSA reaches millions of Grey's Anatomy viewers."
Now would anything been done or said if Washington would have said "I'm not your nigger". So which one was it Glaad or Glsen talk Washington in to rehab for saying the word FAGGOT.
SNT: Aiken is Gay, big deal who cares anymore!
Now he want to be honest about it. What a piece of shit, i just can stand self hating faggots that like to live in the closet..
Greta Van Susteren on the record about Palin email
Its funny how the FBI and Secret Service found this person so fast, but this isn't the first time someones email account as be hack on yahoo, my personal email was hacked back in 04, the hacker didn't know the security question so I was able to reset my password and get my account back. how many others who were not so lucky, did the FBI help no..


its not ok to go in other private emailBut I guess its ok for a news cast to lie about stories to get better rating.......
Personally I feel that public elected officals and state gov't employees should not use their private emails to send email to other elected officials..
SNT: How Nice we must learn Spanish but they don’t have to Learn English!!!
DURHAM - A new contract post office that can cater to Spanish-speaking customers opened Monday in East Durham, U.S. Postal Service officials said.
A grand opening and ribbon-cutting ceremony will be held at noon Oct. 18, but the new post office is open for business at La Plaza Latina, 3801 Wake Forest Road, Suite 118. Hours of operation are from 10 a.m. until 10 p.m. each weekday except Tuesday.
The new office is designed to reach customers who can't travel to the East Durham Post Office, postal officials said. A full line of services and products will be offered, including stamps, packaging, Express Mail and Priority Mail.The last time I check we live in America where the nation language is English. When in the hell did it become out job to learn Spanish to communicate with these people, if they want to be here so fucking badly then make then learn English, if not then they need to go back home,. If I travel to France I don't except then to learn English to talk to me, So why do we need to learn Spanish to talk to these fucking people. I don't see the citizens of New York learning to speak Chinese to communicate with the Chinese people. Enough is enough, maybe if they learn to speak English it would help them more than us learning to speak to them.
SNT: WTF: Tuition for Public Schools!!
Thinking about sneaking your child into a school outside your district? You could end up like Carla Lambert.
The Portsmouth resident was ordered to pay $1,764 in restitution to Chesapeake Public Schools on Monday after she was convicted of lying about her residence in order to register her child at Great Bridge High School, said Chesapeake Deputy Commonwealth's Attorney David Whitted. She also received a suspended fine of $200.
In 2005, the city hired two attendance officers to investigate students suspected of being nonresidents. Since then, they've hired a third, Vaughan said. Last school year, the division found 207 nonresident students. In most cases, the students are sent back to their home districts without penalty, he said.
The division allows some students who don't live in Chesapeake to attend the city's schools, but they have to pay tuition: $2,433 per semester.
"It's a matter of fairness," said School Board Vice Chairman Harry Murphy. "We want to make sure that the citizens of Chesapeake are paying for the citizens of Chesapeake."
State Education budget is $14,178,317,557 with Direct Aid to Public Education in the amount of $6,693,457,709
From the Chesapeake budget: Assuming Grants, Textbooks and Cafeteria resources will be similar to FY 2004-05, total funding for Schools with these will be $412.3 million or 53.1% of the total City budget for all purposes
So if the public schools are finance by tax payers both through state tax and local tax and county taxes and now through the lottery then public school is open to the public. Yes public school are not free since each year there is a long list of fee each has to pay before school start: book fees, locker fee, science fee, and other fees.
Yet the city is charging those who don't live in Chesapeake city limits tuition of $2,433 per semester, now that $4833 per year since there are two semester per school years. Yes this is still cheaper than a private school, however these parents have paid state taxes for years. Does the school charge those that just move to the city this tuition? If not; then why?
It is wrong for the court to order this mother to pay the school this fee/fine. Even if it was against the law, this mother, which I'm sure has paid all the school fees, and I'm sure her child paid for his/her lunch everyday. So what school resources then this child use up. I'm sure the mother bought and pick up her child everyday so the child wasn't riding the buses.
So when in the hell did public schools become semi private in order to charge a tax payer TUITION?
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
SNT: Young black gay men bear brunt of HIV
Seven years later, instead of the number of annual infections dropping to 20,000, the CDC now estimates that more than 56,000 Americans contract HIV each year, with young black gay men hardest hit by the domestic epidemic.
“We need to do so much more than we’re doing right now, we need to get AIDS back on the radar,” CDC Director Julie Gerberding said at a Sept. 16 hearing hosted by the U.S. House of Representatives’ oversight and government reform committee. “We need to make it clear it’s not a problem over there, it’s a problem at home.”
How and why you might ask. Its simple most of these young black bucks are in long term relationships with women or date women to uphold their image in the hood and for the fellow homies. In public their are on the down low (dl), so they don't want to use condoms, with either partner, if they use rubber with the girlfriend, the girl will accused them of sleeping around. If they use them with their male partner they are saying i'mnot safe to be with.
These hot black bucks just need to come the hell out of the closet and play safe. Coming out isn't the end of the world, hell just come out as bisexual, that way you can play safe on both side of the fence.
SNT: Dole distance herself from Bush,
U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Dole swept through the Twin Counties on Monday, working to distance herself from President Bush while taking a few jabs at her Democratic opponent along the way.
For the most part, though, Dole was content talking about her own record and meeting face-to-face with voters during campaign stops at Heritage Hospital in Tarboro and the Nash County GOP headquarters in Rocky Mount.
Why would she try to distance herself from Bush, while she try to embrace the spirit of Jessie Helms, As my elected official she is a complete waste of time and energy. I can't believe that she try to get Helms name added to a AIDS bill, when everyone knows how he felt about people with AIDS. Sometimes I wonder if she has anything up in that head of hers.
I once wrote her about her policy on gays in the service and gay marriage, what did I get back, a form letter stating how special marriage is and how it must be protected.
To be honest I never did expected much from this old dry up prune, and if I didn't know better I could swear that Helms and her was brother and sister. Both was and is bad for NC
Monday, September 22, 2008
SNT: Patrick Sammon wants us to vote for McCain.
Patrick Sammon has an article up in the Washington Blade about why John McCain is good for LGBT people. I kid you not - even though he lied to The Advocate and said that LCR is focused first on LGBT rights in the Republican Party, he turns around and writes a column telling LGBT to vote for John McCain.
Ok I don't know what they are smoking over at the Rep Log Cabin, but it must be some good shit. Everyone knows the GOP/REP's don't like us at all. If they had their way, they would sweep us under the carpet ot throw us out like yesterday's newspapers and act like we never exist. This jackass must be smoking or free basiing something, or he isn't getting his dick suck right.
SNT: EPA Won't clean up the rocket fuel. Why?
EPA reached the conclusion in a draft regulatory document not yet made public but reviewed Monday by The Associated Press.
The ingredient, perchlorate, has been found in at least 395 sites in 35 states at levels some scientists say could interfere with thyroid function and pose developmental health risks, particularly for babies and fetuses.
The EPA document says that mandating a cleanup level for perchlorate would not result in a "meaningful opportunity for health risk reduction for persons served by public-water systems."
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA or sometimes USEPA) is an agency of the federal government of the United States charged with protecting human health and with safeguarding the natural environment: air, water, and land. The EPA was proposed by President Richard Nixon and began operation on December 2, 1970, when it was passed by Congress, and signed into law by President Nixon, and has since been chiefly responsible for the environmental policy of the United States. It is led by its Administrator, who is appointed by the President of the United States. The EPA is not a Cabinet agency, but the Administrator is normally given cabinet rank. The current Administrator (as of 2007) is Stephen L. Johnson, and the current Deputy Administrator is Marcus Peacock. The agency has approximately 18,000 full-time employees.
How nice a agency that was created to protect now has condemn men, women and children to drink contaminate water. The clean up would cost to much and do very little if any good. Once again a government agency putting money in front of people that they are charge with protecting. Its not really surprising since every branch of government has one time or another screwed the American public over for money$$$$$$$$$.
I can only hope the people in those zone sue the hell out of the EPA to do their fucking jobs. Wait minute the EPA didn't care about the 9/11 workers at ground zero.
Question of the day: Does any gov't agency do their job anymore, as mandated when those agency were created.
SNT: George Michaels back in the news
Old habits die hard for George Michael. In a statement released on Sunday, Michael apologized to his fans and the public after being arrested once again over the weekend.
HampsteadlooBoth the venue in which his arrest was made — in men's toilets near London's Hampstead Heath — and the reasons for his arrest — possession of crack cocaine and cannabis — are not unfamiliar to Michael.
Michael came out of the closet in 1998 after exposing himself to an undercover cop in toilets in Will Rogers Park in Beverly Hills, California in 1998. He has also been caught coming out of a "cottaging" area on Hampstead Heath in 2006 with another man, and has had prior drug arrests after being found passed out in the driver's seat of his car.
Ok, so he was caught once again doing drugs, this isn't exactly new news is it. So it was in the restroom again not new news. Do we really need to know his every action, just because he is in the public eye, hell no. I would like to see someone but these reporters and photographers lives all over the papers and news wires. They have their own lives and we really don't need to know everything about them.
SNT: DNA on Mr Canada
If you know any smart, compassionate hotties who also happen to be gay, and Canadian, then be sure to nominate them for this competition.
Candidates are not only assessed on looks, which comprises only 15 per cent of the score, they are judged for their personality, their goals and their ability to be a good role model.
The successful candidate will become a representative for the Canadian gay community. The competition aims to identify leaders who will take responsibility not only in their own community but on a global stage speaking out for equal rights.
Mr Gay Canada is a positive role model and will work on humanising the gay cause within both the gay and mainstream media.
If former DNA #42 cover fella George is anything to go by, Canada should have no problem with finding a nice, hot gay guy!
Entries for the Mr Gay Canada competition close August 1, 2008.
See even DNA knows what they are really looking for.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
SNT: We have a Winner (Mr. Canada)
Nationality: Canadian.
Ethnic roots: English, Irish, Scotish
Education: University of British Columbia Graduate - BaSc Engineering Physics
Hobbies: Skiing, Yoga, Biking, Travelling
North Vancouver… is the mountains and the ocean; It gives people a respect for nature on one side and human civilization on the other.
Favourite quote: “The colour of a man's skin is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes" - Bob Marley






Mr. Gay Canada has not run a full contest since 1990 when Dean Ryane won the title. In 2006 I took up the brand again and started working on molding the competition and working with the organizers of International Mr. Gay. In 2007 we appointed James Coburn to represent Canada in the International Mr. Gay and gained intelligence from the point of view from the delegate. This year, 2008, we have been canvasing the nation looking for delegates to enter in the competition. We actually had a "Bear" from the Yukon and another "Bear" from Winnipeg that both had to pull out of the competition for work related issues. It is too bad as they would have been a great addition to this year's competition.
Again, we the organizers of MGC, are looking for delegates that will be the best ambassador for our community and help break down the negative sterotypes the media continues to engage. It appears that the men that have the confidence to enter into this type of competition have similar looks. We hope that next year we will have more diverse applicants to choose from. Perhaps next year you will want to enter yourself?
Yet all the contestants are the usual stereotypes of the gay community.Tall handsome, well define body, great hair, basically saying if you don't look like us then you are nothing, not important, you don't count. If they were looking for someone to represent our community I have a few choice which I feel are better, Bruce Vilanch and Harvery Fierstein, but even these two great writers and actor, and activists don't fix this stereotype do they.
Thank you again for your comments, we hope to see you at Celebrities this coming Thursday.
Warm regards,
I'm sick of those in community telling others in our community that you must look and be and do as we or you are not apart of our community. Yet well want and are demanding equality from the str8 community while we don't even have equality in our own community. No wonder most of the country sees us a joke.
SNT: Palin not Qualified
From Pam's House Blend
Oh this is RICH.
Apparently the McCain team is quite worried about Sarah Palin's appearance in the VP debate. Enough so that they "fought for and won" a much more strict and rigid debate format than was originally agreed to.
Maybe they should be. Sarah sure seems nervous about going up against Joe Biden.

Now we have this Women who a old senile POW chose to be his running mate, and we must treat her like glass. Bullshit, if she wants to run with the big dogs then she needs to get dirty as well. if not then she need to get her ass back into the kitchen.
Do you remember this:

SNT: Gay History, The First gay-oriented television Commercial

Saturday, September 20, 2008
I'm off to Pagan Pride with my Lover
Friday, September 19, 2008
SNT: for Sarah round two
Example for you Woman who are late coming to lesbianism, it often happens after a major life changing event, i.e. death of a husband, recovering from some form of abuse.. I know this since my cousin who have been married twice, and now is a lesbian relationship, happen to turn after her second husband abuse her and sexuality abuse her kids. In her time of need she turned to a close friend for support, after a few months they develop feeling for each other. They are still together today (15 yrs), even though my cousin still has relations men.
By the way I did ask her before she and other partner got together if she was interested in women before she met her, she answer no, that the thought made her sick.
SNT: The Book that has killed and enslaved so many
Many Christians, Muslims, and Jews regard the Bible as inspired by God yet written by a variety of imperfect men over thousands of years. Many others, who identify themselves as Bible-believing Christians, regard both the New and Old Testament as the undiluted Word of God, spoken by God and written down in its perfect form by humans. Still others hold the Biblical infallibility perspective, that the Bible is free from error in spiritual but not scientific matters.
As of March 2008, translations of the full Bible are available for 438 languages, translations of one of the two testaments in 1,168 additional languages, and portions of the text exist in 848 additional languages. This means that partial or full translations of the Bible exist in a total of 2,454 languages
Now really is there 2, 454 languages used in today's world. Just how many of these are dead languages.
The king gave the translators instructions designed to guarantee that the new version would conform to the ecclesiology and reflect the episcopal structure of the Church of England and its beliefs about an ordained clergy.
Medieval Inquisition
The Medieval Inquisition is a series of Inquisitions (Roman Catholic Church bodies charged with suppressing heresy) from around 1184, including the Episcopal Inquisition (1184–1230s) and later the Papal Inquisition (1230s). It was in response to movements within Europe considered apostate or heretical to Western Catholicism, in particular the Cathars and the Waldensians in southern France and northern Italy. These were the first inquisition movements of many that would follow. The inquisitions in combination with the Albigensian Crusade were fairly successful in ending heresy.
Just wonder where we could have been if this never happen.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Now Nice! No Charges for the Rep from FL. Mark Foley
Bet you almost forgot about him. An investigation has been ongoing since Foley stepped down over his inappropriate online communications with underage pages, and two federal law enforcement officials told the AP they were expecting no charges:
I guess we should have got Chris Hanson from Catch a Predator and Perverted-Justice to investigate Him. I guess the states GOP members and the DC's GOP once again protected one of their own. If what he did wasn't criminal then all other would were convicted doing the same thing should be free, right. Now child predator need to be in jail, and Mark should be there too. However I bet even if he was charge I bet he would have gotten a nice plea deal, with no jail and he doesn't have to register as a Sex offender.
SNT: Sarah comment on Interstateq.
It’s one thing to be outspoken and opinionated. It’s another thing entirely to be insulting and obnoxious. He said he can understand lesbians “going straight” but a gay man could never do that? Really?
It would seem that Sarah didn't like what I said about Lesbians going str8 faster then gay men. Instead on leaving this comment on my blog she left it on Matt's blog.
I will not be Politically Correct on my blog, I will be direct and to the point. I have notice that the LGBT can't don't stand criticism from others in LGBT community. Why? Its simply if the criticism is coming from an LGBT we can't cry homophobia, and that we are being bashed.
Ok back to the point of Lesbians going str8 faster then men. Its can also be said that Str8 women go gay faster too. I believe it has something to do with a certain sex toy. Which is the different between the fake and the real.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Ms Web Diva Pam had this to say about AIG
Read it here.
Remember this lesson folks: when average Joes and Janes lose their jobs and homes due to this economic meltdown it's a correction; when a corporation of the size of AIG runs itself into the ground is deemed "too big to fail" and it gets to suck on the government teat. They break it, you own it.
SNT: A Gay Shame " Folsom St Fair
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE-Award-Winning Author Brings Original Stage Play to Hampton
VP, Business Development
Tel. 770.807.0872
E-Mail: CharlotteMLogan@aol.com
Award-Winning Author Brings Original Stage Play to Hampton
September 15, 2008 – Atlanta, GA—It has been three years in the making, but she has finally done it. Award-winning author/playwright, Laurinda D. Brown, returns to Hampton to give her former home a taste of her acclaimed production Walk Like A Man - The Play, September 20, 2008, 7:00 p.m. in the American Theatre, 125 E. Mellen Street, Hampton, VA. Tickets are $25 and available through www.BrownPaperTickets.com. Walk Like A Man – The Play is a presentation of Positive Scribe Productions LLC.
The all-female, ten-member cast, commandingly spits spoken word and dramatic monologues as they portray and address labels, issues, and stereotypes in LGBT relationships. Their efforts do not go un rewarded as audiences give Walk Like A Man – The Play a resounding seal of approval as it presents issues such as same-sex domestic violence, “Don’t Ask-Don’t Tell”, teenagers and two-mom households, homosexuality and religion, gay-curious women, workplace romances, runaway youth and sexual identity, the joy of new love, the demise of an old one. “This production is so powerful that the quiet is loud.” “You’ll laugh; you’ll cry; you’ll leave enlightened. Laurinda gets you.” Playing consistently to standing-room only audiences, after seeing this play you, too, will agree and join in the standing ovations.
According to Laurinda, the play’s mission is to enlighten theatre-goers through entertainment. “If I can get just one person in the audience to leave with the understanding that our situations, our problems, our joys, our home life with our children, they way we love are no different than theirs, I feel I will have accomplished my goal to promote understanding and diversity.”
Walk Like A Man – The Play is based on the Laurinda D. Brown book of short stories, Walk Like A Man, winner 2006 Lambda Literary Award.
Remaining dates on the 2008 tour are Washington, DC and Detroit Michigan.
To learn more about Walk Like A Man – The Play and its cast, visit www.myspace.com/wlam2007. For information about author/playwright Laurinda D. Brown, visit www.mypsace.com/LaurindaDBrown. Contact Shannon M. Davenport at 240-350-2192 or marcel2372@verizon.net for author book signings, lectures, or other appearances.
SNT: Its all about Sex in our Community
Equal Rights Washington, the state's biggest gay rights group, is using this poster to try to get gays to get out and vote. I guess they figure a nice set of pecs can get gay men to do about anything.
How true this is. If you don't believe then just flip through your Advocate, Out, Genre, Instinct or any other gay publication, all the ads are of buff hard body men. Why? I see they really didn't want a face for this ad, just a body..
Like every high school, it was a living hell for me. I wasn't out then not even to myself, and yes I was called a fag, and faggot. In most cases this really didn't bother me, since I always had a comeback which wasn't nice. Yes I knew things about my fellow class mates that they didn't know I knew about. In my school days I can only recalled two fights that I was in at school. They didn't have anything to do with my sexuality I can tell you take. Come to think of it a student's sexuality was hardly ever bought up at; however the teachers were hot talk in any classroom.
Thought I wasn't out a few friends did know. However, it was never discuss at all. I don't know why but it never was. Yes I have my share of high school crushes just like everyone. My main crush was with Jock/preppie who also lived in my home town. I would watch him during lunch every day, a few time our eyes would lock on each other, sadly nothing never happen. Even after I found out that he was gay too (in the closet still today) I just never could bring myself to make a move.
The odd thing is that I had not had anyone from my high school at all.
Today I'm still trying to find my place, I doubt I ever will.
My blog which I know will not be well taken by the LGBT community will reflect my own feelings and contempt for our community leaders and community movers. My biggest disappoint with our community is all hate we have for each other. .
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
SNT: Mr Gay Contest, Not all can apply!
Showcasing Leaders who bring change to the world

USA Finals
2008 International Finalists
Ok I only found two maybe three with facial hair, one with body hair and all other had nice tone bronze and a few with ebony built body. If this is pageant to pick a person to represent the Gay community then where are the others. Where are the bear types, and chub types. I guess since those don't ahve the body in which everyone want to see or those that sponsors likes to have to representing them and their programs. It's always about the money making end of these programs. Below, the MR. GAY CANADA 2008 APPLICATION
Canadian Area of representation (City/Town, Prov./Territory):
Community Organizations/Clubs sponsors:
Full Legal Name:
Postal Code:
Date of Birth: very important don't want any old guys in it,
Ethnic roots: what does this matter for??
Native Language:
Foreign Languages:
Height: Your height and weight very important, you must be weight height proportion, can't have anyone that is slightly over weight
Shoe Size: Why would your shoe size, hair, eye color matter for?
Hair Colour:
Eye Colour:
Education: yes only those with higher education, ivory league would be a major plus,
Job/Career: fortune 500 company employees are a major plus..
In less then 150 words tell us why you want to be Mr. Gay Canada:
In less then 35 words tell us something about your city/town:
Favourite quote:
Photo credits:
The Mr Gay Canada Competition is a 3-day, indoor/outdoor series of events to help our judges identify a strong spokesman or Ambassador to tell the world about our mission. The Competition includes physical tests and interviews with a panel of judges. Only 15% of the judging points are assigned to appearance, which means 85% of the points are for qualities other than appearance.
Please we all know that physical appearance will count more then 15%. After we need a someone that everyone wants to look at. I wonder what type of physical tests?
Children should't be subject to life long medical choices
Very interesting statement, which I'm sure the #transinc community will claim to be Transphobic.. in natural. There is nothing bias ...
From Big Gay News Some Purdue University students have called for a faculty member to be fired after he posted comments online urging ...
Now she's speaking out about it: “There are such bigger problems… and then you've got organisations like GLAAD [Gay And Lesbian Alli...
So just who was the this female (dyke bitch) who bully a Trans-gender person over a flag at the SCOTUS rally last week, Her name is Karin Q...