Are you happy with your body? The folks at Qnotes wants to know. They have a upcoming issue dealing with that very subject. They even asking for people all shapes and sizes to sign up for a photo shoot in Charlotte for the very said issue.
From their Facebook Account,
Hello all! QNotes is looking for several models who are willing to take off a bit of clothing for a very special, provocative, yet educational/awareness-building print edition in late January. We are looking for models of ALL ages, ALL races, ALL sizes/body types, ALL genders, ALL abilities*. Models must be 18 or over and must be comfortable posing semi-nude** in individual and group shots as well as comfortable discussing why they are proud of who they are and why they are proud of their body. For more information or to indicate your interest in participating, email Matt at
* QNotes will strive to be inclusive of a wide diversity of our community, including people of color, transgender individuals and people of all abilities/capabilities.
** The photo shoot is non-pornographic in nature, but is a body-positive and sex-positive focused feature. For these purposes, semi-nude is defined as all skin not covered by a normal men's speedo/bikini-type bathing suit or women's bikini.