Thursday, March 11, 2010

Another Prom fuck because of a student date and the F'ing ACLU

The one who is causing this shit storm,

The American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit today against a Mississippi High School that has canceled prom rather than let a lesbian high school student attend the prom with her girlfriend and wear a tuxedo to the event. In papers filed with the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Mississippi, the ACLU asks the court to reinstate the prom for all students at the school and charges Itawamba County School District officials are violating Constance McMillen's First Amendment right to freedom of expression.
"All I wanted was the same chance to enjoy my prom night like any other student. But my school would rather hurt all the students than treat everyone fairly," said McMillen, an 18-year-old senior at Itawamba Agricultural High School in Fulton, Mississippi. "This isn't just about me and my rights anymore - now I'm fighting for the right of all the students at my school to have our prom."
Today's filing comes after Itawamba County School District issued a statement yesterday saying they were canceling prom, following a letter from the ACLU and the Mississippi Safe Schools Coalition demanding that they reverse their decision. McMillen said that before that happened, school officials had told her that she could not arrive at the prom with her girlfriend, also a student at IAHS, and that they might be thrown out if any other students complained about their presence at the April 2 event.
Yes it is true that a Federal Court has rule that we can take whomever we want, however they didn't rule that the Local School Boards had to host a Prom.

From Wiki,
Fricke v. Lynch, 491 f. Supp. 381 (1980), was a decision in the United States District Court for the District of Rhode Island that upheld the right of a gay student to bring a same-sex date to a high school dance. The Court ruled that existing free speech doctrine protected gay and lesbian students' rights to attend their proms with same-sex dates of their choice. The case was "one of the first successful victories in the courtroom for an LGBT issue involving young people, and is routinely cited each year in numerous cases surrounding the rights of students to bring same-sex dates to school functions." 

so the school decided to cancel the prom to avoid a lawsuit, and a law suit happen anyway because, this lesbian didn't what to be seen as the main reason why the prom was cancel, she didn't want her school mates to blame her so she shifts the blame onto the school.. I want what anti-gay group she learn that move from.

I personally feel that all school should stop hosting and sponsoring these fucking  Proms. That Way there will be no more damn lawsuit over something so fucking stupid...

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Children should't be subject to life long medical choices

Very interesting statement, which I'm sure the #transinc community will claim to be Transphobic.. in natural. There is nothing bias ...