Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Why Won't HRC Jump On Board the DNC Boycott?

this is from Queerty's blog, click here to visit
Often viewed, accurately, as an extension of the Democratic party, the Human Rights Campaign has gone back and forth with how much criticism it's willing to levy on the White House and members of Congress. But now that members of the indie (read: non-Gay Inc.) activist scene are boycotting the Democratic National Committee, where will HRC's chips fall?

HRC's Joe Solmonese, who claims to represent the entire LGBT community but completely bails out on certain gay issues, claims to enjoy special power brokering relationships in Washington. Supporters might see lots of handshakes between Solmonese and lawmakers; actual action and influence, however, is harder to spot.

It's eerily difficult to tell just how hard HRC is pressuring Democrats on its own. Some might say HRC merely "advises" them.

One minute, the organization is demanding action from Obama; the next, it's giving him a seven-year pass.

But now that somebody else (initially, it's Americablog's John Aravosis and Joe Sudbay) is actually calling for the closing of LGBT coffers — the "gayTM," if you will — will HRC get on board?

I tell you why,, they don't want to bit the hand that feed them, and Joe needs to stop sucking their cocks and kissing their fucking asses...better yet Joe need to completely fuck off and step down.... and find something else to do instead of throwing us under the bus when he need to, (when $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$) is involve..

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Children should't be subject to life long medical choices

Very interesting statement, which I'm sure the #transinc community will claim to be Transphobic.. in natural. There is nothing bias ...