Sunday, May 31, 2009

The So-called Dallas Principles

Who are the founders of these Principles,
On May 15-17, 2009 in Dallas, Texas twenty-four thinkers, activists, and donors gathered to discuss the immediate need for full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual transgender people in the United States.  Collectively they prepared The Dallas Principles. Click here to see the list for yourself.
  1. Juan Ahonen-Jover, Ph.D.  - Miami Beach, FL
  2. Ken Ahonen-Jover - Miami Beach, FL
  3. John Bare - San Franciso, CA
  4. Jarrett Tomás Barrios - Boston, MA
  5. Dana Beyer, MD - Montgomery County, MD
  6. Jeffrey H. Campagna - New York, NY
  7. Mandy Carter - Durham, NC
  8. Michael Coe - Washington, DC
  9. Jimmy Creech - Raliegh, NC
  10. Allison Duncan - San Francisco, CA
  11. Michael Guest - Washington, DC
  12. Joanne Herman - Boston, MA
  13. Donald Hitchcock - Washington, DC
  14. Lane Hudson - Washington, DC
  15. Charles Merrill - Palm Springs, CA
  16. Dixon Osburn, Washington, DC
  17. Lisa Polyak, Baltimore, MD
  18. Barbra Casbar Siperstein, Edison, NJ
  19. Pam Spaulding - Durham, NC
  20. Andy Szekeres - Denver, CO
  21. Lisa Turner, Virginia Beach, VA
  22. Jon Winkleman, New York, NY
  23. Paul Yandura - Washington, DC 
  24. Joe Falk- not listed on site, found on pam's houseblend.
So who is the 24th person,, this person isn’t listed on the site, MMM why? So what are these very so-called important Principle, one might ask they are below,
The following eight guiding principles underlie our call to action.  In order to achieve full civil rights now, we avow:
  1. Full civil rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals must be enacted now.  Delay and excuses are no longer acceptable.
  2. We will not leave any part of our community behind.
  3. Separate is never equal.
  4. Religious beliefs are not a basis upon which to affirm or deny civil rights.
  5. The establishment and guardianship of full civil rights is a non-partisan issue.
  6. Individual involvement and grassroots action are paramount to success and must be encouraged.
  7. Success is measured by the civil rights we all achieve, not by words, access or money raised.
  8. Those who seek our support are expected to commit to these principles.
Being united by common principles and engaging in united action, we will achieve the following goals:
  1. DIGNITY AND EQUALITY. Every lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender person has inherent dignity and worth, and has the right to live free of discrimination and harassment.
  2. FAMILY.  Every LGBT person has the right to a family without legal barriers to immigration, civil marriage or raising children.
  3. ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY.  Every LGBT person has the right to economic opportunity free from discrimination in employment, public housing, accommodation, public facilities, credit, and federally funded programs and activities.
  4. EDUCATION. Every LGBT child and youth has the right to an education that is affirming, inclusive and free from bullying.
  5. NATIONAL SECURITY.  Every LGBT person should have the opportunity to serve our country openly and equally in our military and foreign service.
  6. CRIME.  Every LGBT person should enjoy life protected against bias crimes.
  7. HEALTH CARE.  Every person should have access to affordable, high quality, and culturally competent health care without discrimination.

First off Health Care is not a real LGBT issue since over 40.6 millions of Americans don’t have health insurance.. Care is never the same at all, those whom can pay always get the best health care in this country. All Crimes are commit on some form of bias, the poor guy steal from the rich guy, is this a hate crime? Education is again not a LGBT concern, those who are Bully have the power to stop it, all they have to do is to Stand up to the Bullier. Once the Bullier see that he can no longer bully you they often will leave the person alone. If you have the strength to come out of the closet then you have the strength to stand up to protect yourself. We all have the same Economic Opportunity, we just have to apply ourselves to achieve those opportunities. No Family unit is perfect there for this one is null and void. National Security, this one is not a LGBT solely item, there are many who would love to serve their country but are not allow to do so for many reasons. Last but not least Dignity and Equality, Please we don’t even have these things within our own community, so how can we except the str8 to give us this things as well.
Let see what others are saying about The Dallas Principles,

NGBOLG, and Focus had this to say (updated)
Granted the "Dallas 24" have only been so for about two weeks, but when you have a bunch of self anointed demigods claiming to represent the LGBT community, establishing a set of principles and goals, and a cute little widget and logo they want you and me to add to our blogs for free, the skeptic in me says, not so fast, guys.

While I do have some admiration for the idea, I find it personally amusing that they use the terms thinkers, activists and donors as if they are the only ones in the LGBT community who can accomplish something for the community at large.
So far, all I've seen from this bunch is videos posted on YouTube and blogs on Huffington Post and Air America; which is okay, actually. They're getting the word out and that's a good thing.
Queer Equality Revolution had this to say,
The "idea" of full federal equality is great, BUT -
I believe we cannot "demand" anything and get what we want without wielding some kind of POWER, and the ONLY power we have is our tax dollars.

The OutQ News Blog had this to say,

There are critics of the effort– some grousing that the group was self-selected and provided no advance notice to or access by the media.
Others say the groups membership was dominated by politicos from big coastal cities, and still others express concern that the group did not have sufficient racial diversity.
But C. Dixon Osburn –one of the 24 activists— says the group was just a group of friends trying to inspire the gay movement.
Osburn: “We don’t want to be an organization. We don’t say that we speak for the movement. We see The Dallas Principles as an invitation the entire community to adopt them, to incorporate them into their personal lives, incorporate them into their volunteerism, and by doing so, hold accountable political and appointed leaders and organizations.”
For better or worst, this group might do some good, but I fear that more damage will be done then good. When you have a group of people who think they know what is best for our community without the community input first, things often go wrong, infighting starts.

here is FOCUS youtude video on the matter,

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Just a Thought Really

If these two Lawyer who filed the Prop8 lawsuit wins, and Gay Marriage become to all 50 states, would we still need those Org's that didn't want this suit to be filed???

The Pics that Obama is trying to block, ( might show cases of Female rape)

The Telegraph reports on the pictures Obama is trying to keep from the public eye:
At least one picture shows an American soldier apparently raping a female prisoner while another is said to show a male translator raping a male detainee. Further photographs are said to depict sexual assaults on prisoners with objects including a truncheon, wire and a phosphorescent tube.
Larisa Alexandrovna recalls that pictures of this sort have already been released and re-posts them.

If this is true them Obama need to take his sorry bi-racial ass out of the white house... If our service member are over then raping then they need to be arrest and throw in jail.. Over there, not here, Ok, Obama its time to release those Photos,, unless you know that they are raping people now over there, no would you claim it would be our men in more harm way...

In April, Mr Obama’s administration said the photographs would be released and it would be “pointless to appeal” against a court judgment in favour of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).
But after lobbying from senior military figures, Mr Obama changed his mind saying they could put the safety of troops at risk.

Earlier this month, he said: “The most direct consequence of releasing them, I believe, would be to inflame anti-American public opinion and to put our troops in greater danger.”

Andrew Sullivan Take on the Lawsuit that Gay Groups don't want

"Make Change, Not Lawsuits"

The ACLU, GLAD, Lambda, NCLR, the Equality Federation, Freedom to Marry, GLAAD, HRC and NGLTF are not happy about the Olson lawsuit:
In response to the California Supreme Court decision allowing Prop 8 to stand, four LGBT legal organizations and five other leading national LGBT groups are reminding the LGBT community that ill-timed lawsuits could set the fight for marriage back.  The groups released a new publication, “Why the ballot box and not the courts should be the next step on marriage in California.”  This publication discourages people from bringing premature lawsuits based on the federal Constitution because, without more groundwork, the U.S. Supreme Court likely is not yet ready to rule that same-sex couples cannot be barred from marriage.  The groups also revised “Make Change, Not Lawsuits,” which was released after the California Supreme Court decision ending the ban on marriage for same-sex couples in California.  This publication encourages couples who have legally married to ask friends, neighbors and institutions to honor their marriages, but discourages people from bringing lawsuits.
More info on the suit here. The complaint can be read here (pdf).

Its all about the money and fame,, if these two guys win this lawsuit then they get the glory, not the gay organizations or groups..

this person thinks so as well from Pams houseblend..
*[new] Our orgs just want more money (4.00 / 2)
Let's be brutally honest here:  setbacks in the LGBT equality movement are marvelous fundraising tools, particularly when we are subject to mob rule at the ballot box.  We get f*cked over a few more times after sinking many millions into more ballot measures, and the only people to benefit directly will be the top management of the orgs behind them and the vendors they choose to print signs and run mailings.  They'll write more limp-wristed letters about "disappointment"--no, Neil, we're OUTRAGED by the CA SC opinion!--and use up more media time; and nothing will change for another 50 to 60 years.  On the other hand, taking the challenge to the federal courts has been more successful in pursuing matters of equality over and over.

by: greatwhitebear @ Thu May 28, 2009 at 08:05:57 AM EDT

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Gay Orgs Don't Want Federal Lawsuit , (lawsuit isn't theirs and no way to make money)

Let talk about one reason that they aren't talking about,, this suit wasn't bought by them they didn't have they sticky hands in on it.. If they are not apart of the Lawsuit they can't ask us for money that is the main reason.. Last November Prop8 bought in Millions of dollars for these groups that is what they were hoping for this time again as well..

Former U.S. Solicitor General Theodore B. Olson and David Boies, who represented then-Vice President Al Gore in the contested election, have joined forces to tackle the same-sex marriage issue, which has deeply divided Californians and left 18,000 gay couples married last year in legal isolation. In a project of the American Foundation for Equal Rights, Olson and Boies have united to represent two same-sex couples filing suit after being denied marriage licenses because of Proposition 8. Their suit, to be filed in U.S. District Court in California, calls for an injunction against the proposition, allowing immediate reinstatement of marriage rights for same-sex couples.

See they didn't help with it.. they now have no rights to used this lawsuit as a money making machine for them...That is why they are against a Lawsuit..

These groups wants another prop8 measure to fleece the gay community of millions and millions of dollars for their coffers.

May 27, 2009, New York, NY
Evan Wolfson
Executive Director, Freedom to Marry
Tel: 212-851-8418; Mobile: 646-263-5552

New York, May 27, 2009 — In response to the California Supreme Court decision allowing Prop 8 to stand, four LGBT legal organizations and five other leading national LGBT groups are reminding the LGBT community that ill-timed lawsuits could set the fight for marriage back. The groups released a new publication, “Why the ballot box and not the courts should be the next step on marriage in California.” This publication discourages people from bringing premature lawsuits based on the federal Constitution because, without more groundwork, the U.S. Supreme Court likely is not yet ready to rule that same-sex couples cannot be barred from marriage. The groups also revised “Make Change, Not Lawsuits,” which was released after the California Supreme Court decision ending the ban on marriage for same-sex couples in California. This publication encourages couples who have legally married to ask friends, neighbors and institutions to honor their marriages, but discourages people from bringing lawsuits.

"Why the ballot box and not the courts should be the next step on marriage in California” is available at

"Make Change, Not Lawsuits" is available at

Sister Unity take on Prop8 ruling

Pam has gotten a very vital Email from a Fruitloop off his/her meds....

Pam Should have posted the email address of this sick fuck, but Pam being the lady that she is chose not to..
------- Original Message --------
Subject: Prop 8!
Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 23:41:39 -0700 (PDT)
From: redacted email
To: tips at

Lady...oh excuse me "DYKE!"
I've just spent the last humorous hour reading some of the rubbish on that site of yours. I find it overwhelmingly pleasing to know that the Gay rights agenda, or movement as you'd probably prefer to call it, has such a distasteful hatred for the religious right.
You despicable parasites are just as bigoted as the ones you choose to accuse!
The Prop 8 situation in California is a prime example. You all cry about the rule of law and how you feel that all you freaks are being treated like 2nd class citizens...yet, when Prop 8 comes along and is done in a legal manner by way of the voters of your just cannot agree with it.
The absolute funniest damn part of this whole thing is that the Supreme Court of our most LIBERAL STATE...upheld Prop 8 by a 6-1 THAT IS FUNNY!!
If someones beliefs don't jive with the way you think they should...the extremists within the queer movement resort to all sorts of vial tactics to make a point. Case in sick repulsive sodomites vandalized and disturbed a Mormon Church service protesting the fact that the church openly backed Prop 8!
It didn't matter that there might have been a possibility that NONE OF those particular church goers had any direct connection to anything Prop 8, let alone even voted for it. You sick bastards decided to act out your frustration on innocent people with your vial crap!
You sick repulsive bastards even try to push your sick agenda even within public schools any chance you get.
The Constitution does NOT grant you special treatment...and that INCLUDES the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment, you stupid ignorant morons!
When I was younger and in school...I never really took sides on this issue, let alone, strongly voiced my OPINION! Back then I could really care less.
As I've matured with age though, and especially having seen the vial crap your movement has dished out for the past couple of decades, I have stepped forward and changed my ways.
Now, if that makes me a BIGOT, then FINE!! I wear that with a badge of honor!
When the closet door swung open and all you HIV infested sodomites walked through the all left the door ajar and open...I think it is time you all went back into the closet and closed the door behind you. America was a far better place back then...we can have peace and tranquility yet again!!

This email had to have been written by one of the kids from one of those religious fanatics cult that you hear about after the Feds bust them on weapons charges.. I can smell Waco,TX from here..

Wait I know this person's parent must of been one of those who survive the punch at Jone's town.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Movie Quote, From which one

I am sick to death of straight people.
Tell the truth.
Aren't you?
There's just too goddamned many of them.
I was in a bank the other day.
They were everywhere--
writing checks, making deposits.
Two of them were applying for a mortgage.
It was disgusting
They're taking over.
No one wants to talk about it,
but it's true.

Are Cops the NEW Gangs of Thugs on our street

Cop Charged In Bike Assault Road Rage Incident
Is it illegal to video tape police? Stockton California Police

Gay men and ideals of beauty

Matt over at InterstateQ has post four very informative and intuitive post about our community, click here visit his site. Click here for his other post 1, 2, 3, and 4.

The post I would like to talk about is most recent, called Gay Men and Ideals of Beauty, which I have, which I named my post after. It was written by Devon Hunter; visit his blog by clicking here.

As I sit here writing this post, which is just my personal thoughts on the subject matter, I know that an email will claimed that I have miss the point behind the story. That I have some type of internal homophobia, and that I’m a self-hating fag.

In the post he talks about the armor, we adapt to protect ourselves for rejection.
Beauty, and the pursuit of it, can be inspirational, but it is also the fuel for many destructive fires. Beauty can be dangerous. In fact, very often danger itself is exactly what defines beauty (or at least that which is desirable in some way). We gay men very often burn with desire to possess beauty, both our own and that of others.    
Yes the grand  played card in our little uptight community, the Beauty card, where if you don’t fit the def, up to 95% of you just don’t count. Yes in our little beauty obsession group, you must meet the high standards to be accepted.. When we dance we dance with one eye on the door, also waiting for the next bigger and better and hotter guy to walk in. for those who may or may not know what I’m talking, in community 9’s and 10’s ruled the floor. If your number falls below and 6 please just stay the hell home. To be a part of the in crowd you must be hot, young, sexy, and have a big o cock to boot, however the following are allowed in. Young men that are thin and sexy, sexy nerds, older built men are welcome too, and men with money, no matter how they look...
The desire-rejection cycle is powerful: We all desire, we all reject, we all complain about not being able to get the ones we want (while being pestered by the ones we don’t).
Never have there been a truer statement made. We all desire those that we know we can’t have, yet at the same time we reject those that would have us for who we are, base solely on how they look.
As Tim Bergling noted in “Chasing Adonis: Gay Men and the Pursuit of Perfection,” we are all involved in a cycle of longing and dismissal. Perhaps getting rid of desire would help. Fat chance! What about beauty? We could get rid of that, right? No. The world would be a far less inviting place without the inspiration we get from its many splendors.
So true again, that is how shallow we are. It’s all about the look, beauty, and sex appeal. However, a thing of beauty is a joy until sunrise. We all want to find someone to love us for us, for all our pro’s and con’s yet they must fit in what we call beautiful, sexy, hot and desirable.  For a good example just go and watch every episode of Queer as Folk (USA version) this is what our community is really like. I know many would disagree but really who are we try to kid. Let’s not forget the age range as well.. In many of our LGBT movies, they all portray us as the same type of body and looks, with older men (sometime a bit heavier) in as comic relief or trolls.  This isn’t just limit to our Movies, its in TV shows as well, that your pick from Will and Grace to any other TV show. To prove these points go out and rent or buy if you don’t own it already LOVE! Valour! Compassion. “Gregory invites seven friends to spend the summer at his large, secluded 19th-century home in upstate New York. The seven are: Bobby, Gregory's "significant other," who is blind but who loves to explore the home's garden using his sense of touch; Art and Perry, two "yuppies" who drive a Volvo and who celebrate their 14th anniversary together that summer; John, a dour expatriate Briton who loathes his twin brother James; Ramon, John's "companion," who is physically attracted to Bobby and immediately tries to seduce the blind man; James, a cheerful soul who is in the advanced stages of AIDS; and Buzz, a fan of traditional Broadway musicals who is dealing with his own HIV-positive status.”

This is the part I really have a problem with..
clip_image001Speaking as someone who pays his bills and eats because of the money he earns based on the way he looks: I am constantly warring with expectations. I cannot be everything to everyone, but it still hurts when someone with all his clothes on will size me up like a horse and dismiss me (or worse, insult me) while I am standing there naked. Every time I eat, work out, buy clothing, or step outside my door, I am instantly plunged into battle: Will I be able to maintain or improve my body fat (which is 8.3% as of two weeks ago, thank you very much) by eating this? Can I not work harder on my physique? Is that guy looking at me doing this exercise because I look ridiculous, or because he wants to try it himself? Do these pants make my ass look fat? Will I make enough in tips this week to cover this bill or that?
First off these he really look fat to you, no, I also bet that he isn’t rejected that often if at all (since he will be on the Sean Cody website soon). Most exotic dancers aren’t rejected at all. They are what most of us what and wish we had that body. However, I see this type of person reject many who don’t look or have the same type of body and or age. However If an older man with some weigh on him but very rich, powerful and well known then he is all for the guy as long it serve his needs (this is the case for many in CA, Hollywood).

This is what most gay men body type. Click to see post. Here is post of our community types.

As men, we are the shallowest group in the world, and we know it. However, we hate it when other points it out to us.

Gay America Wake the Fuck up and Smell the bullshit

From Queeerty,
We told Press Secretary Robert Gibbs last week: Get up to that podium for a press conference and the administration will be quizzed on on its failed pledges to the gay community. Like Don't Ask Don't Tell, which Obama is supposedly repealing. We say "supposedly" because, well, he is not. So "supposedly" actually goes to far. That's because Gibbs, in the above press conference yesterday, keeps saying the president is working with military leaders on an effective way to repeal DADT. Oh, EXCEPT THAT HE ISN'T.

Face it Gay American Obama is fucking lying to us, he fucking used us like Clinton did. He never had any plan on repealing DADT.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Queer as Folk Music Set

Queer As Folk - Shine (Babylon Remix)
QUEER AS FOLK - Proud (Peter Presta Final Mix)
Queer as Folk "It's Raining Men"
Queer as Folk -Brian and Justin- "Take My Breath Away"

Proof that cops abuser and killer with badges...

Birmingham police beating video

more click here
The five officers have since been fired after a dashboard camera video surfaced this week in court.

The Conspiracy of Facts

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

How long before some claim this was a hate crime..

from Q-note

Police say Gary Rezendes and the victim met through the “casual encounters” section of Craiglist and decided to meet in person on April 4 at a Vision Rd. Home Depot parking lot. Sgt. Sean Pearson of the Apex Police Department told Q-Notes that Rezendes was carrying a knife, stole $40 from the victim and fled the scene afterward. The victim was unharmed.

“From my interview with [Rezendes], he had stated that the whole purpose of being on [Craiglist] was to commit a robbery, that there was no previous intent of meeting anyone,” Pearson said. “He was on Craigslist initially looking at things to buy and saw the ads in the personals and thought of it as a quick way to make some money by committing a robbery.”

Ok let see how long it take for some in the LGBT community to claim he target gay men to rob. That this is a hate crime as well. Since LGBT swear that every crime against us is a Hate Crime.. So let the Hate Crime Claims start....

Could $cientolgoy be a Domestic terror cell...

Under today's laws would and could $cientology be classified as a domestic terror cell if they did their past operation called "Operation Snow White?" If so just how would Homeland Security handle them today.

So what was Operation Snow White about, it was a mass infiltrations and thefts from 136 government agencies, foreign embassies and consulates, as well as private organizations critical of Scientology.

Under this program, Scientology operatives committed infiltration, wiretapping, and theft of documents in government offices, most notably those of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. Eleven highly-placed Church executives, including Mary Sue Hubbard (wife of founder L. Ron Hubbard and second-in-command of the organization), pled guilty or were convicted in federal court of obstructing justice, burglary of government offices, and theft of documents and government property. The case was United States vs. Mary Sue Hubbard et al., 493 F. Supp. 209 (D.D.C. 1979).
Mary Sue Hubbard, Cindy Raymond, Gerald Bennett Wolfe, Henning Heldt, Duke Snider (not to be confused with Duke Snider, a baseball player of the same name), Gregory Willardson, Richard Weigand, Mitchell Herman, Sharon Thomas, Jane Kember, and Mo Budlong, all high-ranking Scientologists, were convicted and sent to prison for five years. Kendrick Moxon was listed as an "unindicted co-conspirator" for providing false handwriting samples to the FBI. Moxon continued to act as an attorney for the Church of Scientology until at least 2000, representing the Church in the Lisa McPherson case. L. Ron Hubbard was named by federal prosecutors as an "unindicted co-conspirator."
And no church could not operate with out dirty lawyer in their offices

So just what was Mary Sue Hubbard trying to hide?

Nonetheless, if they did this today what would happen to them?? 

Scientology douchebag Complete Liars

No wonder TC, and JT, feel so comfortable at the church

If we are "immortal spiritual" has the founder of Scientology claim then why are we dying??

Its funny that so many member of this church as gay rumors attach to them..(well at least two does)

Just when will Nicole Kidman write a tell all book about her time with the church and TC??

Question to the former Mrs Cruise, Just how many Closets where in your bedroom, and who's were bigger?

Olbermann On Steele: WTF? Now you know why

Keith Olbermann rips apart Michael Steele's claim that gay marriage costs small businesses money.

Proof why black GOP people are in the closet, they are just so stupid.. Steele the GOP puppet, I see the White GOP have found themselves a slave...

love these oxymoron's "gay republicans", "Black republicans".

Obama: Don't Flip Flop On DOMA

Via press release:
The first ever federal lawsuit against Section 3 of DOMA ("Defense Of Marriage Act") was filed on March 3, 2009 by GLAD (Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders) on behalf of eight same-sex married couples and three surviving spouses from Massachusetts who have been denied federal legal protections available to spouses. They served the government with the lawsuit the week of April 27th and now the Department of Justice, under President Obama's authority, has until the week of June 22nd to respond.

President Obama now has a choice -- direct Attorney General Eric Holder and the Justice Department to defend DOMA in court or keep his campaign promise by asking Holder not to defend this unconstitutional law.

A national grassroots effort has been released on May 18, 2009 known as the DOMA Flip Flop campaign. Endorsing organizations include Join The Impact , , Join The Impact MA , and the Cambridge Democratic City Comittee . Organizers are asking participants to print out a 'flip flop card' with the the statement, "President Obama, please don't flip flop on DOMA!" on it. Participants are asked to mail the 'flip flop card' to the White House from now until President Obama makes his decision on the DOMA lawsuit.

Please we all know that he will order Attorney General Eric Holder to defend this actions. When will the LGBT Community face it that Obama did a Clinton and lie to us to help get him into office. Please we know there will be no default judgement in this case..

Cell Phone Sex Advice, get the NCFPC knickers in a knot

North Carolina Family Policy Council president Bill Brooks, who was interviewed for the New York Times article, said that he was concerned about the text line interfering with parental rights. “If I couldn’t control access to this information, I’d turn off the texting service,” Brooks told the New York Times. “When it comes to the Internet, parents are advised to put blockers on their computer and keep it in a central place in the home. But kids can have access to this on their cell phones when they’re away from parental influence—and it can’t be controlled.”
That is right the folks over at the NCFPC wants their kids to deaf, dumb and blind. These are the same folk who shit brick when sweet little sue comes home at the age of 16 and tell mommy and daddy that she will soon be a mommy as well.  These are the same jerks who tell their kids to get off once their kids come out. Nice parents rights, these are the folks who kids later in life become bombers and killers. 

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Latter Days Meet Lilies

Over at Pam’s House Blend there this little post. holysmoke

CAMBRIDGE -- A fire broke out this morning during a meeting at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints outside Harvard Square in Cambridge, sending members spilling out onto the street.

The blaze, which hit three alarms, began at 10:37 a.m. in the church at at 4 Longfellow Park, off Brattle Street, according to Cambridge Fire Department Supervisor Kirk Warner. No injuries have been reported.

According to Cambridge Fire Chief Gerald Reardon, the fire, which was fought with 22 engines, seven ladder companies, and about 80 firefighters, was brought under control sometime after noon. Reardon said the fire started in the attic, but he did not know the cause.

Yes the two shall meet in the middle. Latter days boys meet the boys of Lilies in the attic of love.. Instead of Christian and Aaron, we have Simon and Vallier meeting in the attic of their church/school for some personal RR. This is where they were when Bilodeau confess his love for Simon but Simon rejects him, Bilodeau loses control and throws a oil lamp on to the floor starting the fire that burns down most of the church/school.

So what was going on in the Attic of this Church, was it a love meeting gone awry? Young Morons boys force to seek fun where ever they can.

Charlotte pride vs. Black Pride

I was fortunate enough to perform at Pride Charlotte 2008 and events for Charlotte NC Black Gay Pride 2008, giving me the opportunity to see for myself what each celebration had to offer. Pride Charlotte welcomes a diverse crowd, however, fails to embrace the forms of creative expression developed by and typically found in the black/Latino community (ball culture, for example). [Ed. Note -- Members of Charlotte's local ball community have performed at past Pride Charlotte festivals.]

I just don’t know about that at all.I personally feel black community simply don’t want to share the event with us. I can tell you if we really did a pride event with no blacks at you know what we would be call..

The so-called ball culture is nothing more then an over the top drag gang shows. Yes this type of show doesn’t really have a place in a family oriented pride, then again neither have a float with half naked men dancing in briefs or g-strings. so lets call it a draw on that issue.

cultural differences and cultural discrimination

Cultural diff’s my ass, they really don’t what to share a pride with us period, they want something completely theirs. Like have said in the past, we want marriage equality, but we don’t even have equality in our communities.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Video Saturday

Europe-The Finial Countdown
Madonna - Don't cry for me argentina
Madonna - You'll See

Friday, May 15, 2009

Summer LGBT Events

I see its time for our annual summer events here in NC, which in itself is so damn depressing that it's not funny. I have been a fully blown critic of our community for sometime and it not going to stop anytime soon. Lets look at some our Local LGBT events gong up this summer/fall shall we.

First we have the Triad Pride Festival, follow by two events, one is Boone Pride and the other is Wilmington Pride, and Equality NC 2009 Conference and Gala that will be held in November in Greensboro. I see the only event east of interstate 95 is Wilmington, which is really southeast of 95. Let's not forget our state pride weekend that will be held again this year in Durham, I love the way they throw Raleigh into the title to make people think the Pride events are in Raleigh which they are not, but in Durham.

Hundreds even maybe thousands of LGBT people from NC other state will attend the 2009 Pride events in our state. I still have to wonder why is every damn LGBT event west of 95; I mean come on Greenville is a college town too, just like Durham is. Why can't we hold Pride there one year, oops I know why, we can't put out those in the f-ing closet rich cats who can't travel that far without a good excuse. By living in Durham and Charlotte and Greensboro, they can easy attend these events without many knowing that they are there. These are the closets cats who really run our community, they can't be out with us but they can stay in the shadows working us to meet their goals.

Remember last November when Prop8 pass in California, how every LGBT person, and friends/supports rally in many cities to let the world know that we were not happy. Thousands join the impact site on the web, that right Prop8 rally were held in the following the cities in NC Asheville, Boone, Charlotte, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Greenville, Raleigh, Wilmington and Gastonia. We took to the street to show support for our brothers and sisters in California, Yet our brothers and sister here in North Carolina couldn't or simple wouldn't gather to show support for a counter protest in Raleigh this past March. There was a small counter protest.

I ask where our community leaders, our friends, and allies were. This protest didn't even make it our own LGBT newspapers, none of our LGBT bloggers blog about it all. It was like this protest didn't even happen, that those who show up to protest were in essence the black sheep of the community. Those who didn't just sit by and let that anti-gay marriage rally that place. It was those who show up let our local reporters know where we stood on the matter.

Our community just isn't in Raleigh and Durham, Charlotte and Greensboro or just Asheville, we have communities all across NC. Many LGBT's members who live and work in NC have never been to our yearly pride events, for many it's because they are held to far from where they live.

Why The Pride Committee of North Carolina can't chose a location outside of Raleigh, Durham. Why can't for once this event be held east of 95, maybe like in Greenville are better yet, just once before the end of summer hold it the beach.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Dan Choi, bitching and whining about being discharged, He came Out..

LT Dan Choi, West Point graduate and officer in the New York Army National Guard, has written a letter to his Commander-in-Chief, Barack Obama, and to Congressional leadership, begging to not be discharged. This patriot loves his country, loves his teammates, and does not want to be sent away. His company does not want him sent away. The Knights Out website has the full text of LT Choi's letter.

Lets recap, he knows about DADT, He chose to go on National TV and come out, and now because of his own actions, he wants everyone to feel sorry for his stupid ass, He is the one would told everyone that he was gay, it wasn’t like he was outed by someone else, This jerk need to take responsible for getting his gay ass kicked out.

O’ Choi cry me a fucking river, you damn douche bag....

Sunday, May 10, 2009

National News: GLAAD-Trained Iowa Lesbian Couple on Oprah


GLAAD-trained Iowa couple Maryfrances and Stephanie Evans were featured on “Oprah.” They shared the heartwarming commitment to each other and spoke about their wedding, which took place right after the show. Maryfrances and Stephanie participated in a GLAAD media spokesperson training in the week following the Iowa Supreme Court’s unanimous decision extending marriage equality. The couple worked with One Iowa, GLAAD, and Lambda Legal to be featured in a variety of news outlets over the past two weeks to share their story.
Oprah segment:,

Sorry the video have been report due to a copyright claim,


What I want to know is why would GLAAD need to trained a couple to go to the Oprah show,, I know they might have been members of GLAAD sick little group, however training to go on to a talk show to make sure we look good for the America Public.. To make sure they say the right thing, make sure they act the right way..

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Glaad’s undie’s in a Knot over fake bi-teens... on Dr Phil Show.

From Queers United Blog,
UPDATE: 5/09/09: It appears our efforts have been successful! GLAAD is reporting that the Dr. Phil show is giving up on their search for "fake bisexuals", at least for now.

When GLAAD called about concerns over the show, the response was:

"We are not planning on doing a show like this right now or in May sweeps. We are going into hiatus next week and will not be taping for a while. We have many plugs up because we are always looking for interesting stories. If a story like this should come to fruition we will attempt to contact you."

The last thing they want anyone to know is that they were pressured by activists. I truly believe it is our efforts that have led to this show not airing. If they do try and bring up a similar show in the future, we will definitely call them out on it. Thanks for all of your letters to "Dr" Phil McGraw.

4/30/09 In an upcoming show called "Teen Pretending to be Bisexual?" The show is asking for parents to come on the show with their sons and daughters who self identify as bi.

"Is your teenager rebelling by pretending to be bi-sexual? Has your teen pretended to be bi-sexual because he/she thinks it's cool? Or has your teenage daughter pretended to be bi-sexual to attract boys?"

There are a host of problems with this proposed show. First off, it is unreasonable and irresponsible to guess someones sexual orientation/identity. It is offensive to assert that someone is lying about their sexual orientation, it is their own individual choice on how to self identify. Thirdly, the show is operating on the premise that bisexuality is just a "trend" and that it is used to draw attention from males.

This program has yet to air, but it sure smells like it will be biphobic, dismissive of the bisexual orientation, and flailing stereotypes about what it means to self identify as bisexual.

Could we just be jumping to conclusions and wrongly pointing the finger at Dr. Phil?

Check out his previous queerphobic programs on "Gender Confused Kids" prop 8, "Is it Wrong for a Little Boy to Wear Pink", "Ex-gay Experts" and "Little Boy Lost"
Boycott Dr. Phil and let him know why by contacting him.

Dr. Phil show
5482 Wilshire Boulevard #1902
Los Angeles, CA 90036

so what is Glaad trying to say there. That Teen don’t lie about their sexuality. If so why would Glaad get involve in the first place. Glaad is ok with those who claim to be str8 and only are gay for paid.. Like that not hurting us in the long run, I wonder if this reason all those ex-gay center claim that we can change because they see these str8 guy having sex with guys just for money..

It seem that Glaad is really getting out of hand, on their so called mission, Glaad need to face the fact that we (lgbt community ) our worst enemy. I don’t see Glaad taking on this GAY-Pay crap, which fuel the ideal that we chose our sexuality. Gay-Pay is the real problem for our community, and that every gay male love the challenge of getting the str8 guy. We are the one’s who help to fuel the ideal that we chose to be gay. Where is GLAAD on this issue, no where unless it happen to show up in a damn Movie or TV special then GLAAD is all over it.

I have to wonder if a guy male make a docudrama base on these issues and show the world just how we truly are in private and in social setting how would GLAAD responded?  
Take these clips from youtube,

Friday, May 8, 2009

Are These Kids Lives more important then other’s Kids lives

175px-Jessica_LunsfordJessie’s Law- Jessica Lunsford Act.-The law is named after Jessica Lunsford, a young Florida girl who was raped and murdered in February 2005 by John Couey, a previously convicted sex offender. Public outrage over this case spurred Florida officials to introduce this legislation. Among the key provisions of the law are a mandatory minimum sentence of 25 years in prison and lifetime electronic monitoring  of adults convicted of lewd or lascivious acts against a victim less than 12 years old. In Florida, sexual battery or rape of a child less than twelve years old is punishable only by life imprisonment with no chance of parole.

180px-MeganKanka Meghan’s Law- is an informal name for laws in the United States requiring law enforcement authorities to make information available to the public regarding registered sex offenders. Individual states decide what information will be made available and how it should be disseminated. Commonly included information includes the offender's name, picture, address, incarceration date, and nature of crime. The information is often displayed on free public websites, but can be published in newspapers, distributed in pamphlets, or through various other means.

At the federal level, Megan's Law is known as the Sexual Offender (Jacob Wetterling) Act of 1994 and requires persons convicted of sex crimes against children to notify local law enforcement of any change of address or employment after release from custody (prison or psychiatric facility). The notification requirement may be imposed for a fixed period of time - usually at least ten years - or permanently.

New TimothyphotoTimothy's Law- The law was named after Timothy O’Clair, a boy from Schenectady, NY who committed suicide at age 12 on March 12 2001. Timothy had been diagnosed with several behavioral disorders but had exhausted the mental health benefits on his family's health plan. For the next five years, Timothy's parents petitioned the state government to pass a law that would require health plans to provide coverage for mental health ailments comparable with coverage for physical ailments.

"Timothy's Law" was sponsored by Senator Thomas W. Libous and passed the state senate on September 15 2006. It passed the Assembly and was sent to the governor on December 13 2006 who later signed it into law. The lateness of the passing of the law caused difficulties for health insurers to update their policies and provide training to employees in time for the law's January 1 effective date.

large_graceGrace's Law-named for Grace Gleba in Warren County, who was born with a hearing impairment, requires all health insurers to provide up to $1,000 coverage for each hearing aid prescribed for children 15 years old and younger. Families may seek replacements every two years, according to the bill.

sara_0301_21438aSara’s Law - was a campaign spearheaded by the News of the World newspaper which began in July 2000 in response to the murder of Sarah Payne. Payne's parents backed up the campaign as they were sure that a child sex offender had been responsible for their daughter's death. Their belief was proved correct 17 months later when Roy Whiting was found guilty of killing Payne, and it was revealed that he already had a conviction for abducting and indecently assaulting an eight-year-old girl.

The aim of the campaign was for the government to allow controlled access to the Sex Offenders Register, so parents with young children could know if a child sex-offender was living in their area. Payne's mother has always insisted that such a law would have saved Payne's life.

imagesAmber Alert law- Amber Hagerman (November 25, 1986 – January 15, 1996) was a young girl who became a victim of an abduction and murder. On January 13, 1996, she was riding her bike near her grandparents' home in Arlington, Texas, and was kidnapped soon thereafter. Her murder would later inspire the creation of the AMBER Alert system.

Adam WalshThe Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act  (Pub.L. 109-248) was signed into law by U.S. President George W. Bush on July 27, 2006. The legislation organizes sex offenders into three tiers, and mandates that Tier 3 offenders (the most serious tier) update their whereabouts every three months with lifetime registration requirements, Tier 2 offenders update their whereabouts every six months with 25 years of registration and Tier 1 offenders (which includes minors as young as 14 years of age) update their whereabouts every year with 15 years of registration . Failure to register and update information is made a felony under the law. It also creates a national sex offender registry and instructs each state and territory to apply identical criteria for posting offender data on the Internet (i.e., offender's name, address, date of birth, place of employment, photograph, etc.)

I would like to know where are the laws that are name after African-Americans, Asia-Americans or Latin-Americans kids. What makes these whites kids more important then other kids who are victims or crimes or have health problems? I personally blame the fucking American Press, if a reporter finds out that two kids are missing at the same time and one is white, blond hair, blue and the other is black, the white child gets all the air time and front page press in almost every local paper.

Pat Robertson at it again with this Pedophilia

Interesting Headlines

Peru: Police cadets fight dismissal due to gay rumors  »  Blabbeando

I've certainly been burning that 'annotations' function over at YouTube as of late and here's another video which I've used the function to translate what's being said on-screen to English.In this case, the news report is about a couple of police academy cadets who were dismissed from school in 2003 based on rumors that they were gay. As Diario de Lima reports, Peru's constitution bans discrimination based on sexual orientation, but what if they neither man identifies themselves as gay?Well, the Peruvian Constitutional Court has already ruled that one of the students was unfairly dismissed, and a Constitutional Court

Matt, we've addressed your fallacies countless times. Now we're gonna a-dress ya, buddy.  »  Good As You

Senate sponsors and liberal activist proponents of the federal “hate crimes” bill, S. 909, have been caught in a series of bald-faced lies. So confident am I of this, that if they can prove me wrong (for real I mean – you know, with evidence and such) I’ll join their little soiree, don a very large pink evening gown and publicly voice support for the legislation. -Matt Barber Hate Crimes’ Bill is Full of Swill [American Daily] We reply: Matt, you have repeatedly pushed the idea that pedophilia is an APA recognized sexual orientation

I predict a New Hampshire Decision Today  »  Box Turtle Bulletin

Governor Lynch received the New Hampshire marriage bill on Wednesday, the 6th. He has 5 days to respond. Politicians seeking to minimize a news story love to go to the press on Friday afternoon. Folks tend to be socially engaged on the weekend, and less likely to watch the news. Additionally, the talk shows and news commentaters are off and by the time that Monday rolls around there’s a good chance that their story will have been eclipsed. Governor Lynch is going to suffer outrage regardless of whether he signs or vetoes this legislation, or even if he just lets it go

Lesbians Take First Marriage Steps In Russia  »  Slap Upside The Head

A lesbian couple will apply for a marriage license in Moscow next week in what will certainly be Russia’s first denied same-sex marriage. While Russia does not allow same-sex marriages in the country, there is no law explicitly forbidding the recognition of foreign same-sex marriages. For this reason, the lesbian couple will make their lifelong commitment in either Canada or Norway before requesting to have it recognized in their home country. The plan is unlikely to succeed. Homophobia in Russia is astonishingly widespread. Just this week, Moscow banned a gay rights parade that was planned during the Eurovision Song Contest.

PA Christian College Student Suspended over Gay Adult Video  »  Towleroad, a premium blog for modern gay men

A senior molecular biology major at Christian Grove City College in Pennsylvania was suspended two weeks ago for appearing in a Randy Blue porn video: "Gechter (left) began his career in gay pornography late in his sophomore year, two years ago. During that time, Gechter successfully kept Vincent DeSalvo a secret from his life at GCC. No one knew about his off-campus job, not even his roommate at the Colonial Apartment complex. That ended the night of April 23 when the first e-mail revealing his online identity was sent out. By the next morning, at least two-thirds of the student population had received the e-mail.

Obama Needs to End Silence on Biggest Civil Rights Move of Our Time  »  gay blog

Barack Obama has appointed a hyperactive director of faith-based initiatives, Josh DuBois, and sees little problem continuing the blurring of church and state that George W. Bush and Bill Clinton initiated in their terms. I remain very uncomfortable with evangelicals and other preachers -- many of whom have narrow and bigoted views of America's 21st century civil rights challenges. See Obama Needs to End Silence on Biggest Civil Rights Move of Our Time Huffington Post

Oprah tackles DeKalb boy’s bullycide  »  Project Q Atlanta

Talk show queen Oprah Winfrey took on bullying in schools during her show Wednesday, coverage that included the mother of a DeKalb County boy who committed suicide last month. The show included Masika Bermudez, the mother of 11-year-old Jaheem Herrera. The student killed himself April 16 after facing anti-gay taunts and bullying by classmates. His death prompted an outcry that included gay clergy members holding a vigil and an ongoing investigation by the DeKalb District Attorney. On Wednesday, Bermudez told Winfrey that her son seemed especially depressed on the day he later committed suicide.

My fav weekly round items

Conservatives press for gay marriage ban in NJ
Gay foes move to halt Maine gay marriage law
Opponents file challenge to gay marriage in Maine

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Shock but I have to agree with NOM on this one

Copyright Experts Blast Hilton Claims Against NOM Ad

May 6, 2009 – 2:41 pm

Copyright bloggers aren’t looking too favorably at Perez Hilton’s attempt to silence NOM’s “No Offense” TV ad. As one copyright expert said, Hilton “ignor[es] the fair use elephant in the room.”

From Ben Sheffner at Copyrights & Campaigns:

Rubenstein’s letter simply ignores the elephant in the room: fair use. Often a letter like this will include a section saying something like, “We expect that you will claim that your conduct is protected under the fair use doctrine. But that is incorrect, for the following reasons…” Here, the fair use defense is so strong that I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that Lavandeira’s attorneys can’t even muster up an argument why it doesn’t apply.

And Sam Bayard at the Citizen Media Law Project agreed:

The blogosphere is buzzing about Perez Hilton’s recent foray into copyright bullying. Last week, the celebrity blogger, whose real name is Mario Lavandeira, sent a DMCA takedown notice to YouTube, claiming that a new advocacy ad from the National Organization for Marriage (”NOM”) which was posted on the video-sharing site violated his copyright. . . .

This is one of those rare moments when fair use analysis is easy — the use is for purposes of criticism and commentary on a burning public issue, the amount of material taken is very small, and there is no conceivable harm to the market for Lavandeira’s work.  To me, this looks like a bad legal and P.R. call, and Lavandeira’s being pummeled for it online.

Perez is just being a complete total dumb blond faggot...

HRC lays off 13 staffers

Cites ‘economic conditions’ as reason for cuts
By CHRIS JOHNSON, Washington Blade | May 7 2009, 12:49 PM

The Human Rights Campaign announced Thursday the layoffs of 13 employees, a cut that reduces its workforce by about 9 percent.

HRC President Joe Solmonese attributed the layoffs to a challenging economic climate.

"The Human Rights Campaign, like so many other non-profits in this economy, has had to adjust its budget to comport with economic conditions," he said in a statement to the Blade. "We have undertaken a number of steps to achieve savings in all areas of the organization, however we cannot avoid reducing personnel costs."

Solmonese said the cuts came from staff involved with operations, development and communications. He noted that, "it is our hope that no further reduction will be necessary."

Brad Luna, an HRC spokesperson, said 11 of the 13 who lost their jobs were unionized employees and one of the employees held a management position. Luna declined to identify which management position was cut, citing confidentiality.

Following the layoffs, HRC has 134 full-time employees and one part-time employee, Luna said.

Stacey Mink, a union spokesperson, didn't immediately respond to a request for comment. Solmonese had earlier told the Blade that contributions to HRC slowed during the last quarter of 2008. He has since taken a voluntary pay cut of 10 percent.

Luna said the layoffs wouldn't compromise HRC's ability to complete its mission.

Yet this is still happening,,

HRC Houston Gala 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Houston, TX

Just how much is this Gala costing HRC. MMMM very interesting..


The first gay synagogue,

Beth Chayim Chadashim in Los Angeles, founded in 1972. The synagogue was formed after two gay men and two lesbians attending a rap session at the Los Angeles Metropolitan Community Church  in April 1972 discovered they were all Jewish and decided to form a Temple of their own. Continuing to meet at MCC till it burned,, they held their first service in July 1972 and were chartered two years later by the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. In 1977 the congregation acquired its own building, dedicated in 1981

The Largest Gay Synagogue

Congregation Beth Simchat Torah in New York. Founded in 1973, this the second gay synagogue in the US., is the largest in the world with more than a thousand members

Duh, No shit, Really, Damn didn’t see that coming

WOW what can I say

As a follow-up, Sick... I went through the past five issues of Q-Notes and counted and tallied our news coverage by geographic area. I thought you should know that only 29% of news and features coverage focused on Charlotte. The overwhelming majority (71%) of news coverage was from areas outside Charlotte Metro.

I didn’t mean to add to  your work load, however If I’m wrong so be it, that doesn’t change the fact the communities east of 95 gets very little mention. Yes I know that there is no LGBT Communities Centers east of 95 and that in those communities its a peer to peer network connecting by Facebook and yahoogroups and googlegroups. That doesn’t mean that they don’t exist. Greenville has a small LGBT community, true most are so far in the damn closet its not funny. however, there is a community there. I also know that in there is a small LGBT in East of NC, those counties are Chowan County, Currituck County, Pasquotank County, Perquimans County, Camden County, Edgecombe County, Halifax County, Hyde County, Pitt County I know for a fact that these counties do have a nice little LGBT community, true a very informal one but they are there. I just feel that these and other counties are being completely ignored

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

This Proves my point about same sex Marriage

“Lesbians to attempt first gay marriage in Russia”
Reuters: “A lesbian couple will try to defy deep-rooted Russian homophobia next week in the first attempt at a gay marriage even though rights activists say it will be rejected outright.”

Two Lesbians getting to get marry in a land where they won't even allow a gay pride march,MMMM. Who wants to bet that these two ladies are going to get attacked...

Just a thought, who is really behind same sex marriage any way?? It seems that Lesbians are the real ones would want this.. so it same-sex or Lesbian Marriage???

Monday, May 4, 2009

Is there Life east of 95

 UPDATE 5/4/09 @ 1:24 PM
I often feel that LGBT community east of Instate 95 is being left out. I know there gays and Lesbians east of 95 that don’t let themselves be known. They want to live a simple life, not drawing much attention to themselves most of the time.

I often think the reason behind this is because they are left out.

Every LGBT Event is either held west of 95 in Raleigh,  Greensboro, Charlotte and Ashville. Pride is always held in Charlotte and Durham and some times in Raleigh. HRC hold their events in Raleigh and Charlotte. Nothing is ever held east of 95. Why is that?

When I move to NC back in winter of 91 I remember there was three LGBT Newspapers, (at this time i can only name two) Q-notes, and the Front page.

qnotes_toplogo Q-Notes is a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) newspaper serving North Carolina and South Carolina. It is based in Charlotte, N.C., and publishes every other week. The paper was originally started in 1983 as the monthly newsletter of Queen City Quordinators, a Charlotte LGBT organization. In 1986, it began publishing as a monthly tabloid under the direction of C.A.N. (Charlotte Advocacy Network) Inc. The paper was bought by its current owner, Pride Publishing and Typesetting, in December 1989. Chronicling local and regional news around the Carolinas, the paper is a vital resource for the LGBT communities of the two states.

frontpage On May 12, 2006, Q-Notes merged with the Raleigh, N.C., based The Front Page, another North Carolina LGBT newspaper. Started in the 1970s as The Free Press, The Front Page began publishing under that name in 1979 in Raleigh, N.C. Jim Baxter was publisher of The Front Page, a Raleigh-based newspaper for the gay and lesbian communities of North Carolina, from October 1979 to May 2006. Beyond the basics, The Front Page tried to offer (or perhaps even create) some sense of community, some sense of history, some way to stop reinventing the wheel every couple of years, some way to build a movement for change that could mark its progress in real accomplishment.

I do remember getting both Front Page and Q-notes every time I visit Raleigh, yes both had just about the same stories in them, it seem that the Front Page had more NC Coverage then Q-notes. Now days Q-notes seem more interested in what happen in Charlotte more then anywhere else in the state. Why is that?

I would have thought that our only Local LGBT Newspaper would do more to include the community in every community, not just one it is based in.

True that east of 95 there is no Major big Cities, yes mostly farmland, small town in a urban setting where everyone knows your name. These small but intimate towns have their fair share of LGBT citizens. In most of these small town crimes against LGBT is rare and far in between. They live their lives out in the opening. Some own businesses in these small town, in some cases these business are at the center of the community.

I wonder this after the National rally for Prop8, where there were protests all across America. I was lucky enough to attend the one in Greenville, where I also photograph the event and met many wonder people. I have to wonder if I didn’t email Q-notes and share my photos of this event would it have ever been mention at all in Q-notes, since the Greenville protest only turn out about 35 people, very small compare to the hundreds who turn out in Charlotte and Raleigh.

So once again I ask why is these communities left out and never discuss in our only LGBT newspaper. If Q-notes can’t equally represent the whole LGBT community of NC, then maybe, just maybe Q-notes should become Q-Charlotte, since about 70% of Q-note represent Charlotte almost exclusively.
qnotes_toplogo copy

Ok Wilmington is in Q-note all there events do get listed, I feel the only reason behind this is that its close the SC border and is a Vacation beach community.

Children should't be subject to life long medical choices

Very interesting statement, which I'm sure the #transinc community will claim to be Transphobic.. in natural. There is nothing bias ...