Wednesday, March 11, 2009


HRC LA Dinner March 14th 2009

I have notice that LA is getting for their HRC Dinner and Gala on the 14th of this month. I have notice that tickets prices for this event is double then the cost of a ticket to the NC HRC dinner gala. Hell LA Gala has the VIP part as well, where you get to hob nob with the so-called VIPs, which in most cases are Actors/Actress, or any other person that they have dean a VIP for the Nite.

At this year Gala, Ms Wanda Sykes will be there, only because she recently came out as a lesbian, I would have to question the timing of this news. T.R Knight will also be there with Dianne Feinstein as the Keynote speaker. Yes no Dinner would be complete without one of your State Senators to give a prepare speech written by their speechwriters.

Also in attendance will be Michelle Clunie, who if you remember is Mel from QAF, and Jane Lynch who is from the L-word, how nice to women who have played lesbians on two Showtime Shows.

The events for the evening start with the VIP Cocktail Reception. Yes if you were able to buy the $400 ticket you get to sip champagne and make boring same talk with Wanda, Dianne, TR, Michelle, Jane, and other so-called VIPS, in most case you might be able to meet and talk with without paying for the honor to talk to. An hour later all others gets to come in and try to speak with the VIPs, and bid on items for the silent auctions. Once those items are taking care it will be time for dinner and awards, with some lite comedy from Ms Wanda then the speeches from the invited speakers, then some awards will be handed out for those who HRC thinks deserved these awards for their work in the community.

I have notice that the LA Derby Dolls, will also make a appearance, I wonder will they be on skates or will they be in evening wear? I also have to wonder what Julian Bond, the Chairman of NAACP will be talking about. What speech will Joe give at this event, I'm sure the Prop8 will be a main speaking point, and what will be next for the fight for Same Sex Marriage.

Also in other items, I have notice that HRC don’t include those members of the community who make less than $50,000/y. I can only conclude that those in the range just don’t matter to HRC.

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Children should't be subject to life long medical choices

Very interesting statement, which I'm sure the #transinc community will claim to be Transphobic.. in natural. There is nothing bias ...