Thursday, January 20, 2011

Today’s News and Announcements

Well, Glaad has out themselves this time. This year GLAAD introduced a new category to recognize independent blogs, in recognition of the growing role of online media in shaping today's culture.  The first nominees in this category are
All five are great blogs, However I had to wonder why only these five were selected out of the hundreds of LGBT’s Blogs on the web. Then again many of us already know why. These blogs, although they won’t admit to it, is apart the Gay Inc., and the internet County Club. At least two shouldn’t be on the list since they are community blogs with many writes, Pam’s House, and the Bilerico Project. Then again they do carry all of GLAAD str8 bulling 100% with out question.

Facebook co-founder seeks gay marriage for New York 

Chris Hughes, co-founder of Facebook, and his partner Sean Eldridge, a director of Freedom to Marry, announced their engagement and intention to push for gay marriage in the state.
News from the GAY INC., and County Club,

When The Country Club Bloggers And LGBT Press Report Reader Beware What’s Reported

Yes it’s happened again boys and girls.
First on Tuesday when everyone jumped on the band wagon and posted a story about an upper Midwest teenager committing suicide because of anti-gay bullying when in fact as was reported on Wednesday from KSAX-TV, Lance’s father called KSAX and said he received a call from the coroner saying Lance had an enlarged heart and died of a coronary edema. He said he believed it was not a suicide.
He also believed there were no signs of drugs or alcohol in his son’s system, but the toxicology report has not been finished according the medical examiner’s office. The medical examiner’s office also said they had no comment about the phone call to Lance’s father.

Click to read more, about there hypocrisy on this matter

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Children should't be subject to life long medical choices

Very interesting statement, which I'm sure the #transinc community will claim to be Transphobic.. in natural. There is nothing bias ...