Saturday, February 28, 2009

NC Counter Protest, and Comment

Ok first off I was trying to be funny when I wrote the boxer comment, However I do welcome some help and every now and then, and thanks your comments and your Corrective Criticism.

With that, said let's talk about the NC4Marriage Rally that will be happening the 3rd of March. I wrote about this on face book and some blogs that we should do a counter protest, one person agree and wrote it on Queers United blog.

Please join/help SickNTired to mount a protest or counter-protest at the North Carolina state capitol building! "We" all around the world need your warm body and shoes in the streets to demonstrate that "we" are not afraid, and "we" will not be going back, and "we" will continue to move forward no matter what our self-declared enemies do or say. The point of no return has been passed, het supremacists and het exclusivists. "We're" not going to take it any more.
I have notice that our local leaders and community blogger are not supporting this protest; I would have to wonder why. Even our local LGBT papers are not supporting this Protest. I found out that I wasn't the first to post this event on Facebook, I was the second. Event one, event two. One community leader wrote that they felt we would not be able to get enough to make a impact, well how nice we did get enough to create an impact for Prop 8 in CA, but we can't here at home for something that will effect us… Once again proving my point if you don't live in CA, DC, FL, NY, WA you just don't matter to the rest of the LGBT Community, but they want you support on everything that effects them.

The Equality NC group wants up to show up for Action Day. Which is ok as well?

I feel that many local leaders wants this on the ballot for the voters to choose, so they can mount a campaign fund raisers, to help collect money for their groups and themselves..

I plan to be there, for one I want to photograph these bigots, but I hope that my LGBT family in Raleigh will show to protest..

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Children should't be subject to life long medical choices

Very interesting statement, which I'm sure the #transinc community will claim to be Transphobic.. in natural. There is nothing bias ...