Thursday, October 9, 2008

SNT: Newsweek Cover is Pissing off two women

I hate to link this to Perez Hilton blog but this is so stupid, two women bitching that newsweek didn't retouch the photo they used for the cover, it shows every flaw of Ms Palins face..This definitely brings the LOLs!

Republicans are very very VERY upset that Sarah Palin was not retouched on the cover of the latest Newsweek.

CLICK HERE to check out all the hilarit!

Ms Andrea Tantaros is really piss off, because it shows her facial hair, pores and wrinkles,

Ms Andrea had this to say:
We're talking unwanted facial hair, wrinkles, and un-extracted pores. Heck, we all have them. We just don't expect them to be showcased on the cover of a national magazine, especially when we are running for the position of second in command of the United States. Calling it unflattering is an understatement. Trust me.
The most offensive: the picture is coupled with a headline that reads "She's One of the Folks (And that's the Problem)".
Ms Andrea, please take a damn chill pill and mellow out. I'm sure your powertool in the br will be more then happy to help you out...

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Children should't be subject to life long medical choices

Very interesting statement, which I'm sure the #transinc community will claim to be Transphobic.. in natural. There is nothing bias ...