Sunday, October 5, 2008

SNT:WTF LCR defends Palin "beign gay is a choice"

The Log Cabin Republicans - a gay group that endorsed John McCain and described running mate Sarah Palin as "inclusive" - today defended Palin, who last night said being gay is a choice. 

Well then I guess each of those damn ass faggots and dykes choose to suck and eat each other. I guess they choose to be gay after their first time. These are the Faggots and Dykes that really pisses me off. Why if it is a choose then these jerk need to go back to being str8 then.

so if those below are gay, and believe what their sexuality is a choice then they need to go str8 then. 

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Children should't be subject to life long medical choices

Very interesting statement, which I'm sure the #transinc community will claim to be Transphobic.. in natural. There is nothing bias ...