Sunday, November 30, 2008

SNT: Glaad this was a waste of money and time

Spanish Language Media: GLAAD Secures Spanish-Language Coverage of Proposed Chicago LGBT High School
GLAAD pitched and worked with producers to develop a segment about the proposed gay friendly high school in Chicago to the national news show Noticiero Azteca America. “Controversia por escuela gay” which featured an interview with a bisexual student and a lesbian mother aired on Azteca America on November 7. We also provided background information and a trained spokesperson for the local Telemundo news show En Contexto that is scheduled to air on November 25 at 10pm CST and will include a debate over the pros and cons of the proposed high school.
First off why should we as English speaking Americans have to provide the Latin/Spanish speak people with notices and papers in their language to communicate with them, if they are so hellbent getting to this country and want to live and work there then they should learn the damn language, if not then they need to go back where they came from, this also goes for the Chinese and Japanese as well. The last time I checked the national language of the US was and is English.

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Children should't be subject to life long medical choices

Very interesting statement, which I'm sure the #transinc community will claim to be Transphobic.. in natural. There is nothing bias ...